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Embrapa Units

The productive local set ups (APLs) of the Cupuacú tree represent how it is possible to develop agriculture with environmental and social responsibility. This is so because great part of the family farmers and small farmers set up their orchards in already deforested areas, in intercropping systems with temporary and permanent species, once the cupuaçú tree accepts moderate levels of shading. These orchard set ups try to emulate the forest environment, especially in the control of soil erosion a ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2007

The program of genetic improvement of the cupuaçu tree ( Theobroma grandiflorum) needs to tend to the demand of new cultivares, especially of those resistant to the Monilophthora perniciosa fungus, the agent responsible for causing the deformity known as witch's broom disease, and also to increase as much as possible the genetic base of planting material. This project aims to develop new technologies which promote the quick multiplication of selected cultivares, as well as to early select ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Wed Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009

This project aims to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge about forest management and local knowledge about extractivism for biodiversity conservation, enabling the development of rural territories in the Amazon, generating income and improving the quality of life of local populations.

Management technologies and good practices for the sustainable production of forest products will be disseminated, validated and adapted for açai, Brazil chestnut, andiroba, pracaxi, buriti, bacu


Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019