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Initiatives aim to articulate the socio-economic development in the Amazon by means of environmental conservation. In this context, this region's zoogenetic resources are little known and consequently, are poorly managed. The ex situ raising of wild animals that present bio-business potential in Pará, such as the collared peccary, is regarded as a new venture focused on bio-business in the state of Pará. This proposal seeks to disclose bio-technological initiatives that focus on the use of natur ... Status: Completed Start date: Wed Jul 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009 |
Two crucial characteristics of livestock farming are feed efficiency (EA) and enteric methane (ME) emission from animals. Studies using different omics technologies have reported that the rumen microbiota can promote phenotypic variations in the host in the short and long term. There are many possible theories for interspecies communication between microbiota and host cells, such as through proteins, RNA, and metabolites, which can be transported throughout the host body via extracellular vesicl Status: In progress Start date: Fri Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2023 |
Ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass corresponds to the second generation of biofuels, and is a promising technology under development. The cost of the enzymes for the enzymatic hydrolysis is one of the major constraints for obtaining second generation ethanol. Therefore, the search for new technologies for increasing ethanol production should be focused on organisms capable of synthesizing enzymes involved in the degradation of plant fiber, i.e. the degradation of cellulose, hemicell Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jul 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014 |
Intensive production systems benefit the proliferation of phytopathogens and polyphagous insect pests by extending the period of host presence in the field.The chemical control of pests and diseases is the main tool used. Therefore, there is a relevant concern about the negative impacts of excessive dependence on only one control strategy. Questions such as: what are the effects of the excessive use of multisite fungicides on the soil microbiota; and which levels of metals (present in multisite Status: Completed Start date: Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2020 |
The Compost Barn system has the purpose of reducing costs in the implementation and maintenance of animal facilities, improving herd production and sanitary indices, and enabling the correct use of dairy farming organic waste (feces and urine). The system consists of a large covered space for the cows to rest. The floor is covered with sawdust, wood cutting scraps and composted manure. The main objective of Compost Barn is to ensure comfort to the animals and a dry place for them to stay during Status: Completed Start date: Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015 |
The project aimed to study the use of crude glycerin produced by biodiesel plants as feed for dairy cows as an alternative to reduce the use of maize, an energy source with increasingly higher international prices, and thus increase the sustainability of dairy production. Research work carried out in other countries suggests that glycerol is the main component of crude glycerin, an energetic nutrient efficiently used by ruminants. . Thus, this project considered three main strategies to address Status: Completed Start date: Wed Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009 |
Technological advances in milk production systems are related to genetic improvement and nutritional management. Genetic improvement has made it possible to obtain animals increasingly more productive, which implies a greater demand for nutrients and, consequently, a finer adjustment of diets, in order to meet the nutritional requirements of the animals and reduce the incidence of metabolic disorders (acidosis, laminitis, hypocalcemia, etc.). Another important factor to be evaluated is the use o Status: Completed Start date: Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2018 |