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Autoria: COSTA-LIMA, T. C. da; CHAGAS, M. C. M.; PARRA, J. R. P. We evaluated the potential of two parasitoids as biocontrol agents ofLiriomyza sativaeBlanchardinnortheasternBrazil. The two species werethe koinobiont larval-pupal endoparasitoidPhaedrotoma scabriven... ... |
Autoria: FARINACI, J. S.; RUSEVA, T. B.; TUCKER, C. M.; EVANS, T. P.; BATISTELLA, M. Forest systems play a crucial role in biogeochemical cycling and provide a variety of ecosystem services at multiple scales. Considerable progress has been made in understanding the dynamics of tropic... ... |
Autoria: GAVA, C. A. T.; CASTRO, A. P. C. de; ARAÚJO, C. Biocontrol became an alternative to control of postharvest decay of table grape, however due to the minimal handling in the packing-house its application is limited to field. Therefore, considering th... ... |
Autoria: FREITAS, J. C. C.; HONORATO, H. D. A.; NOVOTNY, E. H.; BONAGAMBA, T. J. Activated carbons are largely employed in several chemical and physical processes nowadays, including water treatment, catalysis, gas storage and others [1]. The surface properties of the porous carbo... ... |
Autoria: STARK, J. D.; SUGAYAMA, R. L.; KOVALESKI, A. Recent studies have shown that simplistic measures of toxicity such as the LC50 do not provide enough information about the actual effects that may occour in pesticide-exposed populations over longer... ... |
Autoria: SANTANA, R. C. M.; ZAFALON, L. F.; ESTEVES, S. N.; TANAKA, E. V.; PILON, L. E.; MASSA, R. This study aimed to determine the occurrence of the etiologic agents of subclinical mastitis in Santa Inês and Morada Nova ewes and their susceptibility to developing the disease when submitted to the... ... |
Autoria: CARVALHO JÚNIOR, O. V. de; SÁ, A. V. de; PEIXOTO, A. R; PAZ, C. D. da; CASTRO, J. M. da C. e; GAVA, C. A. T. Biological control is an environmentally safe alternative in the management of nematodes. The selection of new biocontrol agents has focused on the potential of Bacillus species in in vitro and in viv... ... |
Autoria: FIDELIS, Q. C.; CASTRO, R. N.; GUILHON, G. M. S. P.; RODRIGUES, S. T.; SALLES, C. M. C. de; SALLES, J. B. de; CARVALHO, M. G. de The chemical study of the extracts from leaves and stems of Ouratea ferruginea allowed the identification of a new isoflavone, 5-hydroxy-7,3′4′5′-tetramethoxyisoflavone, and twenty t... ... |
Autoria: MIRANDA, M.; BAI, J.; PILON, L.; TORRES, R.; CASALS, C.; SOLSONA, C.; TEIXIDÓ, N. Abstract: Challenges in global food supply chains include preserving postharvest quality and extending the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. The utilization of edible coatings (ECs) combined with b... ... |
Autoria: SA, L. A. N. de; PESSOA, M. C. P. Y.; MORAES, G. J. de; PRADO, J. S. M.; PRADO, S. de S.; VASCONCELOS, R. M. de Abstract: The objective of this work was to address the classical biological control of pests in Brazil, regarding procedures to import and export native biological material. A brief introduction will... ... |
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