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Autoria: BISCOLA, P. H. N.; BUNGENSTAB, D. J.; ALVES, G. L.; PAULA, N. Q. de; FREIRE, J. R. de S. Portfolio management can be a major tool for selecting projects where scarce public resources will be invested with the best returns for society. This study aimed to propose a model for diagnostic of... ... |
Autoria: BEINTEMA, N. M.; PARDEY, P. G.; AVILA, A. F. D. After a period of slow or no growth during the late 1970s and 1980s, public agricultural research investments in Latin America rebounded during the early 1990s. These regional trends were heavily infl... ... |
Autoria: YASSITEPE, J. E. de C. T.; DANTE, R. A.; GERHARDT, I. R.; FERNANDES, F. R.; SOUZA, R. S. C. de; SILVA, V. C. H. da; RIBEIRO, A. P.; SILVA, M. J. da; ARRUDA, P. Stresses exacerbated by global climate change have negatively affected agricultural production. In this decade, severe droughts and heat waves in the Midwest, Northeast and in the region of MATOPIBA (... ... |
Autoria: BAMBINI, M. D.; GIACHETTO, P. F.; FALCAO, P. R. K.; OLIVEIRA, F. S. de Abstract - Bioinformatics is an emergent biotechnological field of study marked by interdisciplinarity and complexity. It involves the application and development of computational tools to biological... ... |
Autoria: YASSITEPE, J. E. de C. T.; DANTE, R. A.; GERHARDT, I. R.; FERNANDES, F. R.; SOUZA, R. S. C. de; SILVA, V. C. H. da; RIBEIRO, A. P.; SILVA, M. J. da; ARRUDA, P. No fim de 2017, uma parceria entre a Embrapa, a Unicamp e a Fapesp criou o Centro de Pesquisa em Genômica Aplicada às Mudanças Climáticas (GCCRC), unindo competências das duas instituições em biotecno... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, G. da S. e; SOUZA, M. O. de; GOMES, E. G. We define and model the research production at Embrapa, the major Brazilian institution responsable for applied agricultural research. The main theoretical framework is Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA... ... |
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