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Autoria: ALMEIDA, R. G. de; ANDRADE, C. M. S. de; PACIULLO, D. S. C.; FERNANDES, P. C. C.; CAVALCANTE, A. C. R.; BARBOSA, R. A.; VALLE, C. B. do Abstract: Agroforestry systems for animal husbandry, including integrated crop-livestock-forest systems (ICLF) are rather diversified in the five Brazilian regions. They present several technical, env... ... |
Autoria: LUNZ, A. M. P.; BERNARDES, M. S.; RIGHI, C. A.; JESUS, J. de The objective of this work was to study the analysis of growth of coffee plants in agroforestry system and monocrops. |
Autoria: LUNZ, A. M. P.; SALES, F. de; FIAME, J. B. Due to the economic, social and environmental advantages of agroforestry systems, its adoption in the Amazon can be one of the alternatives of promoting the sustainability of agricultural production i... ... |
Autoria: RIGHI, C. A.; CAMPOE, O. C.; BERNARDES, M. S.; LUNZ, A. M. P.; PIEDADE, S. M. S.; PEREIRA, C. R. The coffee leaf-miner (CLM) (Leucoptera coffeella Guérin-Mèneville; Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae), the main pest of coffee plants, occurs widely throughout the Neotropics where it has a significant, negat... ... |
Autoria: LUNZ, A. M. P.; SALES, F. de; MESQUITA, J. F. B. de The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of two coffee cropping systems (monocrop and agroforestry system) on the uniformity of fruit ripening of different cultivars of conilon coffee (Co... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, V. C.; SILVA, A. P. da; MALAGODI-BRAGA, K. S.; CAMARGO, R. C. R. de; CANUTO, J. C.; QUEIROGA, J. L. de; MORICONI, W. The agroforestry systems (AFS) are productive systems with high diversity with a view to sustainability. This study, conducted in Jaguariúna-SP, evaluated the potential of some native tree species, us... ... |
Autoria: VARELLA, A. C.; BARRO, R. S.; SILVA, J. L. S. da; PORFIRIO-DA-SILVA, V.; SAIBRO, J. C. de The cold zone of Brazil occupies approximately 6 % of the national territory and is located between latitudes 24° S and 33° S. In this area, extensive cattle and sheep farming systems and conventional... ... |
Autoria: MARÇAL, M. F. M.; SOUZA, Z. M. de; TAVARES, R. L. M.; FARHATE, C. V. V.; OLIVEIRA, S. R. de M.; GALINDO, F. S. Abstract: This study aims to assess the carbon stock in a pasture area and fragment of forest in natural regeneration, given the importance of agroforestry systems in mitigating gas emissions which co... ... |
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