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Autoria: VILAS-BOAS, J.; KLERKX, L.; LIE, R. Abstract: International agreements have been adopted in recent years to disseminate animal welfare standards worldwide, similar to the situation for environmental and social sustainability standards.... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, J. D. R.; OLIVEIRA, I. C.; BRAIR, V. L.; BALARO, M. F. A.; MORAIS, M. C. C.; ARASHIRO, E. K. N.; SOUZA-FABJAN, J. M. G.; FONSECA, J. F. da; BRANDÃO, F. Z. In ovine species, embryo collection is commonly done by laparotomy (LP). However, this technique promotes adhesions in the reproductive organs leading to fertility impairment and affecting animal welf... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, M. J. R. P. da; HUERTAS, S. M.; GALLO, C.; DALLA COSTA, O. A. Several initiatives, including research and development, increasing stakeholders' awareness and application of legislation and recommendation, have been carried out inLatinAmericatopromoteanimalwelfar... ... |
Autoria: MARLIERE, J. de B. L.; PIRES, M. de F. A.; PEIXOTO, M. G. C. D.; LOPES, A. C.; BRUNELI, F. A. T. Países exportadores de alimentos, como o Brasil, precisam desenvolver protocolo de bem-estar animal aplicável aos principais tipos de sistemas de produção de leite encontrados no território nacional.... ... |
Autoria: RIBEIRO, A. C. S.; TAIRA. A. R.; SANTOS, V. C.; BRAIR, V. L.; LOPES, M. P. F.; BALARO, M. F. A.; SOUZA-FABJAN, J. M. G.; FONSECA, J. F. da; UNGERFELD, R.; BRANDÃO, F. Z. Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of meloxicam with or without dipyrone on the welfare of ewes subjected to non-surgical embryo recovery (NSER). Two studies were carri... ... |
Autoria: BAMPI, D.; BORSTNEZ, K. K.; DIAS, C. P.; DALLA COSTA, O. A.; MOREIRA, F.; OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR, J. M.; SCHWEGLER, E.; RAUBER, L. P.; BIANCHI, I. Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate swine females of different genetic lines submitted to different reproductive management and housing systems during pregnancy on reproductive performance... ... |
Autoria: LEMES, A. P.; GARCIA, A. R.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M.; BRANDÃO, F. Z.; WATANABE, Y. F.; COOKE, R. F.; SPONCHIADO, M; PAZ, C. C. P. DE; CAMPLESI, A. C.; BINELLI, M.; GIMENES, L. U. Climate change is a reality and global surface temperature is projected to rise substantially in the next 80 years. Agriculture practices will have to adapt to climate change, and also help to mitigat... ... |
Autoria: CASAGRANDA, Y. G.; WISNIEWSKA-PALUSZAK, J.; PALUSZAK, G.; MORES, G. DE V.; DAL MORO, L.; MALAFAIA, G. C.; AZEVEDO, D. B. DE; ZHANG, D. Abstract - Brazil is one of the world’s biggest beef producers and its largest exporter. However, beef cattle ranching is a leading cause of deforestation and habitat conversion in the Brazilian Amazo... ... |
Correlation between thermal comfort indices and physiological parameters of crossbred dairy heifers. Autoria: CARVALHO, G. A. de; SALMAN, A. K. D.; CRUZ, P. G. da; SILVA, F. R. F. da; SOUZA, E. C. de; SCHMITT, E. The effect of environmental climate on physiological responses of dairy cattle has been studied due to its impact on performance herd. This word studied the relationship of three environmental thermal... ... |
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