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Moisture sorption isotherms and isosteric heat of sorption of coffee in different processing levels. Autoria: CORRÊA, P. C.; GONELI, A. L. D.; AFONSO JUNIOR, P. C.; OLIVEIRA, G. H. H. de; VALENTE, D. S. M. The desorption isotherms and thermodynamic properties of coffee from different processing stages were obtained during the drying process of this product. The isotherms were determined by a static grav... ... |
Autoria: BABOS, D. V.; GUEDES, W. N.; FREITAS, V. S.; SILVA, F. P.; TOZO, M. L. L.; VILLAS-BOAS, P. R.; MARTIN NETO, L.; MILORI, D. M. B. P. The demand for efficient, accurate, and cost-effective methods of measuring soil carbon (C) in agriculture is growing. Traditional approaches are time consuming and expensive, highlighting the need fo... ... |
Autoria: SOUSA, I. C. de; NASCIMENTO, M.; SANT’ANNA, I. de C.; CAIXETA, E. T.; AZEVEDO, C. F.; CRUZ, C. D.; SILVA, F. L. da; ALKIMIM, E. R.; NASCIMENTO, A. C. C.; SERÃO, N. V. L. Many methodologies are used to predict the genetic merit in animals and plants, but some of them require priori assumptions that may increase the complexity of the model. Artificial neural network (AN... ... |
Autoria: CESARO JÚNIOR, T. de; RIEDER, R.; DI DOMÊNICO, J. R.; LAU, D. Advances in artificial intelligence, computer vision, and high-performance computing have enabled the creation of efficient solutions to monitor pests and identify plant diseases. In this context, we... ... |
Autoria: LAZZARETTI, A. T.; SCHNEIDER, V. R.; WIEST, R.; LAU, D.; FERNANDES, J. M. C.; FRAISSE, C. W.; CERBARO, V. A.; KARREI, M. Z. Resumo: Os insetos ao atingirem um determinado nível populacional podem causar danos às plantas, sendo considerados pragas. Afídeos ou pulgões apresentam um alto potencial biótico e podem causar difer... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, I. G.; PEIXOTO, M. A.; CRUZ, C. D.; FERREIRA, R. de P.; NASCIMENTO, M. Persistence plays a key role in alfalfa cultivation in tropical areas but is still a bottleneck for breeding programs. |
Autoria: SILVA, M. A. S. da; MACIEL, R. J. S.; MATOS, L. N.; DOMPIERI, M. H. G. This article presents the application of the Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) as an exploratory tool for automatic environmental zoning by combining the handle of categorical data and the other for automati... ... |
Autoria: GONÇALVES, J. P.; PINTO, F. A. C.; QUEIROZ, D. M.; VILLAR, F. M. M.; BARBEDO, J. G. A.; DEL PONTE, E. M. Colour-thresholding digital imaging methods are generally accurate for measuring the percentage of foliar area affected by disease or pests (severity), but they perform poorly when scene illumination... ... |
Autoria: BARBEDO, J. G. A.; KOENIGKAN, L. V.; SANTOS, P. M. The evolution in imaging technologies and artificial intelligence algorithms, coupled with improvements in UAV technology, has enabled the use of unmanned aircraft in a wide range of applications. The... ... |
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