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Autoria: RACHID, C. T. C. C.; SANTOS, A. L.; PICCOLO, M. C.; BALIEIRO, F. C.; COUTINHO, H. L. C.; PEIXOTO, R. S.; TIEDJE, J. M.; ROSADO, A. S. The Brazilian Cerrado is one of the most important biodiversity reservoirs in the world. The sugarcane cultivation is expanding in this biome and necessitates the study of how it may impact the soil p... ... |
Autoria: ARMANHI, J. S. L.; SOUZA, R. S. C. de; BIAZOTTI, B. B.; YASSITEPE, J. E. de C. T.; ARRUDA, P. Plant perception and responses to environmental stresses are known to encompass a complex set of mechanisms in which the microbiome is involved. Knowledge about plant physiological responses is theref... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, M. L. B. da; CANTAO, M. E.; MEZZARI, M. P.; MA, J.; NOSSA, C. W.
Autoria: ALBUQUERQUE, T. M. de; MENDES, L. W.; ROCHA, S. M. B.; ANTUNES, J. E. L.; OLIVEIRA, L. M. de S.; MELO, V. M. M.; OLIVEIRA, F. A. S.; PEREIRA, A. P. de A.; SILVA, V. B. da; GOMES, R. L. F.; ALCANTARA NETO, F. de; LOPES, A. C. de A.; ROCHA, M. de M.; ARAUJO, A. S. F. Plant breeding reduces the genetic diversity of plants and could influence the composition, structure, and diversity of the rhizosphere microbiome, selecting more homogeneous and specialized microbes.... ... |
Autoria: MENDES, R.; ROMAGNOLI, E. M.; DUNLAP, C.; ABDALLA, A. L. Ruminants are herbivores and have evolved a symbiotic host-microbe relationship with a complex microbial community inhabiting the rumen allowing the use of lignocellulosic biomass as their main energy... ... |
Autoria: VOORT, M.; MENDES, R.; RAAIJMAKERS, J. M. The rhizosphere microbiome offers a range of ecosystem services to the plant. Including nutrient acquisition, tolerance to abiotic stress and protection against diseases. Here we studied how heat trea... ... |
Autoria: CARAVIERI, F. A.; FERREIRA, A. J.; FERREIRA, A.; CLIVATI, D.; MIRANDA, V. F. O. de; ARAÚJO, W. L. The species of bacteria associated with the traps of the carnivorous plants Utricularia hydrocarpa Vahl and Genlisea filiformis A. St.-Hil. were identified by analysing 16S rRNA gene libraries. We obs... ... |
Autoria: SÁBER, M. L.; ANDREOTE, F. D.; KAVAMURA, V. N.; FRIGHETTO, R. T. S.; TAKETANI, R. G.; MELO, I. S. de Abstract: The impact of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on the culturable and unculturable bacterial communities were studied in field experiments using soybean plants grown under increased UV-B (UV-B+... ... |
Autoria: KAVAMURA, V. N.; ROBINSON, R. J.; HAYAT, R.; CLARK, I. M.; HUGHES, D.; ROSSMANN, M.; HIRSCH, P. R.; MENDES, R.; MAUCHLINE, T. H. Abstract: Microbial community ecology studies have traditionally utilized culture-based methodologies, though the advent of next-generation amplicon sequencing has facilitated superior resolution anal... ... |
Autoria: SOLANO, J. H.; MOITINHO, M. A.; CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; BONONI, L.; PACKER, A. P.; MELO, I. S. de; DINI-ANDREOTE, F.; TSAI, S. M.; TAKETANI, R. G. Abstract: Mangroves are coastal environments that provide resources for adjacent ecosystems due to their high productivity, organic matter decomposition, and carbon cycling by microbial communities in... ... |
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