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Autoria: BENVENUTTI, L.; ROVARIS, B. C.; OLIVEIRA, D. DE; RIBEIRO, P. R. V.; BRITO, E. S. de; ZIELINSKI, A. A. F. This study aimed to optimize the extraction of a blue colorant using ultrasound-assisted technology employing water as the solvent from genipap, an Amazon fruit. Process conditions were optimized by m... ... |
Autoria: CARRA, S. H. Z.; DRASTIG, K.; PALHARES, J. C. P.; BORTOLIN, T. A.; KOCH, H.; SCHNEIDER, V. E. This study presents the assessment of water scarcity associated with livestock production in a watershed in Southern Brazil where 115 farms (poultry, pig, and milk) are located. The methods, AWARE—ava... ... |
Autoria: CARRA, S. H. Z.; PALHARES, J. C. P.; DRASTIG, K.; SCHNEIDER, V. E. This study analyzes the relation between Brazilian broiler and pig production and water productivity using recently developed reference guidelines on water footprinting for livestock production system... ... |
Autoria: PALHARES, J. C. P.; NOVELLI, T. I.; MORELLI, M. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o impacto do teor de proteína bruta da dieta de vacas em lactação como ação mitigadora para dar maior eficiência hídrica. Um sistema intensivo de produção de leite a p... ... |
Autoria: BOULAY, A. M.; DRASTIG, K.; AMANULLAH; CHAPAGAIN, A.; CHARLON, V.; CIVIT, B.; CAMILLIS, C. DE; SOUZA, M. DE; HESS, T.; HOEKSTRA, A. Y.; IBIDHI, R.; LATHUILLIERE, M. J.; MANZARDO, A.; MCALLISTER, T.; MORALES, R. A.; MOTOSHITA, M.; PALHARES, J. C. P.; PIRLO, G.; RIDOUTT, B.; RUSSO, V.; SALMORAL, G.; SINGH, R.; VANHAM, D.; WIEDEMANN, S.; ZHENG, W.; PFISTER, S. The FAO Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership organised a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to develop reference guidelines on water footprinting for livestock production... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, A. R. de; BARBOSA, L. R.; PASSOS, J. R. de S.; CASTRO, B. M. de C. e; ZANUNCIO, J. C.; WILCKEN, C. F. The blue gum chalcid, Leptocybe invasa Fisher & LaSalle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), causes galls on Eucalyptus spp. leaf midribs, petioles and stems. Biological aspects need to be studied to assist in... ... |
Autoria: AMORIM, W. P.; PISTORI, H.; JACINTO, M. A. C. This paper presents an attribute reduction comparative study on four linear discriminant analysis techniques: FisherFace, CLDA, DLDA and YLDA. The attribute reduction has been applied to the problem o... ... |
Autoria: FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; PEREIRA, A. S.; COSTA, C. F. G.; TORRESAN, F. E.; LEIVAS, J. F.; FILIZOLA, H. F.; SONODA, K. C.; REIS, L. C.; SOUZA, M. D. de; GOMES, M. A. F.; ZUCCARI, M. L.; SILVA, M. S. G. M. e; PICCOLO, M. C.; TANK, M.; CRUZ, P. P. N.; PAMPLIN, P. A. Z.; CAMARGO, P. B. de; BOEIRA, R. C.; BARIZON, R. R. M.; PEREIRA, S. E. M.; PAZIANOTTO, R. A. A.; GREEN, T. R.; FERRACINI, V. L. The headwaters of the Jaguari river basin are strategically important to the water resources in the largest reservoir system of the São Paulo state, called ?Cantareira?, which has recently suffered th... ... |
Autoria: SHARMAN, M.; LAPBANJOB, S.; SEBUNRUANG, P.; BELOT, J. -L.; GALBIERI, R.; GIBAND, M.; SUASSUNA, N. D. Partial virus genome sequence with high nucleotide identity to Cotton leafroll dwarf virus (CLRDV) was identified from two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) samples from Thailand displaying typical cotton l... ... |
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