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Autoria: MARTINS, F. M.; TRIENEKENS, J.; OMTA, O. Abstract: This paper analyses how the technical and managerial support of buyers affects the performance and investment capacity of Brazilian pig farmers. The paper also analyses the influence of the... ... |
Autoria: HOLANDA JUNIOR, E. V.; MARTINS, E. C.; BORGES, I.; ARAÚJO, G. G. L. de; FARIAS, D. A. de; CARVALHO, R. de S. Para compreender o funcionamento e caracterizar a comercialização de carnes e peles de caprinos e ovinos nos mercados tradicionais do Sertão Baiano do São Francisco, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-... ... |
Autoria: MUNIZ, V. R. G. de F.; RIBEIRO, I. S.; BECKMAM, K. R. L.; GODOY, R. C. B. de In addition to preserving the goods, packaging captures potential buyers' attention, provides information about product benefits, changes consumer beliefs, and increases the chances of a sale. Thus, t... ... |
Autoria: GEBLER, L.; DÍAZ, A.; MAIA, L.; MEDINA, L.; TRELLES, S. Food markets are increasingly demanding the implementation of good agricultural practices programs (GAP) in the public or private sectors as a way to guarantee the sustainable and responsible producti... ... |
Autoria: ALECHANDRE, A.; MELO, T.; FONSECA, F.; MUNARETTI, A. M.; EVANGELISTA, J.; WADT, L. H. de O. Non-timber forest product estimates are one of the biggest challenges for sustainable forest management by Amazonian smallholders. Often, producers generate optimistic overestimates, which can have ne... ... |
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