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Autoria: NASCIMENTO, C. E. de S.; TABARELLI, M.; SILVA, C. A. D. da; LEAL, I. R.; TAVARES, W. de S.; SERRÃO, J. E.; ZANUNCIO, J. C. Despite its economic importance in the rural context, the Prosopis juliflora tree species has already invaded millions of hectares globally (particularly rangelands), threatening native biodiversity a... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, F. F. S. da; DANTAS, B. F. Poincianella pyramidalis (Fabaceae), Schinopsis brasiliensis (Anacardiaceae) and Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Sapotaceae) are native species of the Caatinga vegetation from Northeastern Brazil and have b... ... |
Autoria: REZENDE, L. F. C. de; ARENQUE, B.; OMETTO, J.; RANDOW, C. von; MOURA, M. S. B. de; AIDAR, S. de T.; SOUZA, L. S. B. de This work is a study of scenarios possible and answers of Caatinga vegetation in a context of global climate change (increase of atmospheric CO2). |
Autoria: LUZ, L. R.; GIONGO, V.; SANTOS, A. M. dos; LOPES, R. J. de C.; LIMA JÚNIOR, C. de Continued unsustainable exploitation of natural resources promotes environmental degradation and threatens the preservation of dry forests around the world. This situation exposes the fragility and th... ... |
Autoria: MARTINS, M. L. L.; CARVALHO, P. C. L. de; LEDO, C. A. da S.; AMORIM, A. M. We describe and illustrate two species of Manihot that occur in Caatinga (semiarid) vegetation in Brazil and redescribe and lectotypify M. quinquefolia Pohl, which was only known from a single collect... ... |
Autoria: MEDEIROS, A. N.; ALVES, A. R.; ANDRADE, A. P.; FRIGHETTO, R. T. S.; SILVA, M. J. S.; SILVA, D. S. da The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of concentrate supplementation on the performance of goat kids grazing in the native vegetation of semiarid region of Brazil(Caatinga). The varia... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, A. T. dos; MATTOS, P. P. de; BRAZ, E. M.; MACHADO, S.
Autoria: DRUMOND, M. A.; RIBASKI, J.; MORAES, S. A. de; OLIVEIRA, V. R. de; TAVARES, J. A.; VOLTOLINI, T. V. The region of Chapada do Araripe, in Brazil, is an important producer of gypsum, having high energy demand for the industrial process. Currently, the main source of energy is the wood from Caatinga ve... ... |
Autoria: REZENDE, L. F. C.; ARENQUE-MUSA, B. C.; MOURA, M. S. B. de; AIDAR, S. de T.; RANDOW, C. V.; MENEZES, R. S. C.; OMETTO, J. P. B. H. The semiarid region of northeastern Brazil, the Caatinga, is extremely important due to its biodiversity and endemism. Measurements of plant physiology are crucial to the calibration of Dynamic Global... ... |
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