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Autoria: JUST, B. J.; SANTOS, C. A. F.; YANDELL, B. S.; SIMON, P. W. We performed QTL analyses for pigment content on a carotenoid biosynthesis function map based on progeny of a wild white carrot (QAL) which accumulates no pigments x domesticated orange carrot (B493),... ... |
Autoria: BOITEUX, L. S.; REIS, A.; FONSECA, M. E. de N.; LOURENÇO JUNIOR, V.; COSTA, A. F.; MELO, A. G.; BORGES, R. C. F. Carrot powdery mildew was first detected in seed production fields of the cultivar Brasília in Brasília-DF in 2008. White cottony growth was observed on leaves, petioles, and floral stalks. In 2014 to... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, C. A. F.; SIMON, P. W. Broad sense heritabilities and gene numbers were estimated for the production of total carotenoids and the major component carotenoids of carrot storage roots: phytoene, carotene, aned lycopene. |
Autoria: CARVALHO, A. D. F. de; RESENDE, F. V.; SILVA, G. O. da; PINHEIRO, J. B.; PEREIRA, R. B.; NASCIMENTO, W. M.; PILON, L. ?BRS Paranoá? was obtained by the carrot breeding program of Embrapa Hortaliças, aiming to obtain a cultivar adapted to most carrot-producing regions in an organic system. It was developed through sel... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, C. A. F.; SENALIK, D.; SIMON, P. W. Two F 2 carrot (Daucus carota L.) populations (orange rooted Brasilia x very dark orange rooted High Carotene Mass - HCM cross and the dark orange rooted cultivated variety B493 x white rooted wild ca... ... |
Carrot seed germination and ethylene production at high temperature in response to seed osmopriming. Autoria: NASCIMENTO, W. M.; HUBER, D. J.; CANTLIFFE, D. J. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar se a tolerancia de sementes osmocondicionadas de cenoura à germinação sob altas temperaturas está associada ao aumento da produção de etileno. |
Autoria: CARVALHO, A. D. F. de; SILVA, G. O. da; GUEDES, S. F.; PEREIRA, E. de C.; MARTINS, G. P.; MAGALHÃES, C. da C. In Brazil, carrots are usually grown in beds 30 cm heigh and 1 to 1.8 width. Although widely used, these beds present problems regarding cultural practices and disease management, especially in spring... ... |
Autoria: PEREIRA, R. B.; TORRES, T. B.; SILVA, P. P. da; LUCAS, G. C.; PINHEIRO, J. B.; NASCIMENTO, W. M. ABSTRACT: This study aimed at evaluating the method of inoculation of carrot seeds in a potato-dextrose-agar medium (PDA) added of mannitol. Alternaria radicina was the fungus chosen to test such meth... ... |
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