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Autoria: PEREIRA, N. R.; FIORINI, F. B.; CRUCIOL, M.; KUROMOTO, V. M. Introduction. New technologies and science communication at Embrapa: Digital revolution and network communication; Communication for innovation. Communication results and challenges in the digital age... ... |
Autoria: COKL, A.; LAUMANN, R. A.; KOSI, A. Z.; MORAES, M. C. B.; VIRANT-DOBERLET, M.; BORGES, M. Plants limit the range of insect substrate-borne vibratory communication by their architecture and mechanical properties that change transmitted signal time, amplitude and frequency characteristics. S... ... |
Autoria: CAPALBO, D. M. F.; ARANTES, O. M. N.; MAIA, A. G.; BORGES, I. C.; SILVEIRA, J. M. F. J. da Abstract: This paper analyzes the view of stakeholders on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the implications of these views on communication strategies for agricultural biotechnology in Brazil... ... |
Autoria: CAPALBO, D. M. F.; ARANTES, O. M. N.; MAIA, A. G.; BORGES, I. C.; SILVEIRA, J. M. F. J. da Abstract: This paper analyzes the view of stakeholders on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the implications of these views on communication strategies for agricultural biotechnology in Brazil... ... |
Autoria: CAPALBO, D. M. F.; KAREMBU, M. G.; NGUTHI, F. N. Communicating agricultural biotechnology and biosafety issues encompasses a spectrum of issues from the factual dissemination of scientific research to societal values and beliefs. This affirms the ne... ... |
Autoria: PINTO, D. M.; OLIVEIRA, P. de; MINITTI, A. F.; MENDES, A. M.; VILELA, G. F.; CASTRO, G. S. A.; NOGUEIRA JUNIOR, L. R.; BOGIANI, J. C.; ROCHA, J. D.; NOVAES, R. M. L.; BARROS, I. de; RODRIGUES, G. S. An extraordinary moment of agricultural modernization is currently underway due to innovations in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). In this process, management precepts are renewed, f... ... |
Autoria: COKL, A.; DIAS, A. M.; MORAES, M. C. B.; BORGES, M.; LAUMANN, R. A.
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