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Autoria: COSTA, F. de S.; DICK, D. P.; CAMPOS FILHO, M. D.; LAMBERTUCCI, D. M.; TAVELLA, L. B. The conservation agriculture (CA) needs "no-fire" (no-fire CA) in Brazilian Amazon, where slash-and-burn agriculture (SBA) is still common, which decrease soil organic matter (SOM) and increase greenh... ... |
Autoria: GILLER, K. E.; ANDERSSON, J. A.; CORBEELS, M.; KIRKEGAARD, J.; MORTENSEN, D.; ERENSTEIN, O.; VANLAUWE, B. ABSTRACT: Global support for Conservation Agriculture (CA) as a pathway to Sustainable Intensification is strong. CA revolves around three principles: no-till (or minimal soil disturbance), soil cover... ... |
Autoria: LANDERS, J. N.; FREITAS, P. L. de; OLIVEIRA, M. C. de; SILVA NETO, S. P. da; RALISCH, R.; KUENEMAN, E. A. The origins, history, and recent advances in Conservation Agriculture (CA) are reported. CA is now practiced worldwide on some 200 million hectares, important for mitigating climate change and ensurin... ... |
Autoria: LANDERS, J. N.; FREITAS, P. L. de; CARVALHO, M. O. de; SILVA NETO, S. P. da; RALISCH, R. After nearly five decades, zero tillage (no-till), the bedrock of CA, is dejá vu in Brazil. But CA is not just leaving the soil protected with residues or cover crops and planting/drilling crops... ... |
Autoria: FREITAS, A. A.; BARBOSA, C. F.; SANTOS, D.; BORTOLON, E. S. O.; BORGHI, E.; AVANZI, J. C.; BORTOLON, L.; CAMPOS, L. J. M.; ALCANTARA, P. H. R.; GUARDA, V. D. A. Brazilian agriculture is facing another expansion cycle to the Cerrado region, more specific in the Northeast. The first agriculture expansion cycle to the Midwest was in seventies encouraged and deve... ... |
Autoria: DICK, D. P.; AQUINO, I. O.; COSTA, F. de S.; DIAS, C. T. S. In the Brazilian Southwestern Amazon, food security agriculture predominates in smallholder farms where cassava cultivation is conducted under conventional tillage (CT). We investigated the impact of... ... |
Autoria: AMADO, T. J. C; RICE, C. W.; NICOLOSO, R. da S.; FIORIN, J. E.; KASSAM, A.
Autoria: POLIDORO, J. C.; FREITAS, P. L. de; BHERING, S. B.; CARVALHO JUNIOR, W. de; RODRIGUES, R. de A. R.; BENITES, V. de M.; ANJOS, L. H. C. dos; PEREIRA, M. G.; RIBEIRO, J. L. Assessments of land coverage in Brazil indicate that almost 28 % of the territory of 8.5 million-km2 is occupied with the production of food, fibers, bio-fuels and raw material for agroindustry and di... ... |
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