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Autoria: CASTRO, R. L. de; CAIERAO, E.; PIRES, J. L. F.; VILARINHO, A. A.; SCHEEREN, P. L.; TOIGO, M. de C.; AIRES, R. F. The Brazilian Commission of Wheat and Triticale Research (BCWTR) annually conducts the State Test of Wheat Cultivars in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (STWC-RS), which aims to support the indications... ... |
Autoria: RITSCHEL, P. S.; MAIA, J. D. G.; CAMARGO, U.; SOUZA, R. T. de; FAJARDO, T. V. M.; NAVES, R. de L.; GIRARDI, C. L.; ZANUS, M. C. In Brazil, genetic breeding aimed at developing novel grapevine cultivars is based on the diversity maintained at the Grapevine Germplasm Bank, consisting of approximately 1,000 accessions that have b... ... |
Autoria: SOUSA, T. V.; CAIXETA, E. T.; ALKIMIM, E. R.; OLIVEIRA, A. C. B. de; PEREIRA, A. A.; ZAMBOLIM, L.; SAKIYAMA, N. S. New cultivars are released every year to meet market demands. However, in species with a narrow genetic base, such as Coffea arabica, the cultivars are closely related and phenotypically similar. This... ... |
Autoria: FAUSTINE, C.; HOFFMANN, L. V.; TIBAZARWA, F. I.; LUKONGE, E. Fusarium wilt of cotton caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum Atk. Sny & Hans is one of the major diseases of cotton in Tanzania. Resistant varieties provide useful tools for management of th... ... |
Autoria: KITZBERGER, C. S. G.; SCHOLZ, M. B. S.; PEREIRA, L. F. P.; SERA, T.; SILVA, J. B. G. D.; BENASSI, M. T. Lipids are important components of coffee beverage flavor and aroma. Coffee oil is rich in diterpens of the kaurane family, mainly cafestol (C20H28O3) and kahweol (C20H26O3), which have increasingly r... ... |
Autoria: CAMARGO, U. A.; MAIA, J. D. G.; SILVA, G. A. da; ZANUS, M. C.; GUERRA, C. C.; RITSCHEL, P. S. The production of grape juice in Brazil is based on cultivars and hybrids of Vitis labrusca, among which the cultivars Isabel, Concord and Bordô stand out. |
Autoria: PEREIRA, A. V.; LEDO, F. J. da S.; MACHADO, J. C. Cultivar BRS Kurumi is characterized by short plant height, short internodes, high dry matter production (29.25 t ha-1yr-1), has a high nutritional value and is recommended for the cut-and-carry syste... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, K. B.; BRUZI, A. T.; ZUFFO, A. M.; ZAMBIAZZI, E. V.; SOARES, I. O.; REZENDE, P. M. de; FRONZA, V.; VILELA, G. D. L.; BOTELHO, F. B. S.; TEIXEIRA, C. M.; COELHO, M. A. de O. ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to verify the adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars with regards to yield and oil content. Data of soybean yield and oil content were used from experiment... ... |
Autoria: GRAÇA, J. P. da; UEDA, T.; JANEGITZ, T.; SILVA, D. M. da; MAEDA, J. M.; MORAES, M. C. B.; BIRKETT, M. A.; PICKETT, J. A.; BUENO, A. de F.; HOFFMANN-CAMPO, C. B. cis-jasmone is a naturally-occurring compound in plants that activates direct and indirect defence in model and crop plants'". Exogenous application of cis-jasmone increases flavonoid concentrations i... ... |
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