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Autoria: CORTEZ, N. M. S.; ZOCCAL, R.; LEITE, J. L. B.; DIAS, J.; CORTEZ, M. A. S. The objective of this study was to assess the technical and economic feasibility of the use of whey resulting from the cheese making process in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Data was collected from 52... ... |
Autoria: BENICIO, L. M.; XAVIER, D. B.; LIMA, I. B. G. de; CONDOTTA, I. C. F. da S.; LOPES, L. B. Abstract: The body condition score (BCS) is the most helpful system available to dairy farmers to assess the nutritional status of cows, as it indicates the body fat levels of the animals. Body condit... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, S. S.; MEDEIROS, M. I. M.; SOUZA, V.; MELO, P. C.; ZAFALON, L. F.; VESCHI, J. L. A.; NADER FILHO, A. Investigação da presença e da formação de biofilmes por estafilococos em micro-usina de beneficiamento de leite. |
Autoria: SANTOS, S. S.; MEDEIROS, M. I. M.; SOUZA, V.; MELO, P. C.; ZAFALON, L. F.; VESCHI, J. L. A.; NADER FILHO, A. Milk is aa highly nutritious food and excellent substrate for the multiplication of microorganisms. The objective of this study wastoinvestigate the presence and formation of biofilm of Staphylococci... ... |
Autoria: PRESTES, A. A.; HELM, C. V.; ESMERINO, E. A.; SILVA, R.; PRUDENCIO, E. S. ABSTRACT. The concentration of dairy products is widely applied in dairy manufacturing due to obtaining products with the high dry matter, added value, reduced volume, and an increase in shelf-life. T... ... |
Autoria: BIANCHI, A.; REICHEN, C.; BORGES. L. I.; SANTOS, J. G. R. dos; RUDEK, L. dos S.; FERNANDES, S. R.; MORAIS, O. R. de; MONTEIRO, A. L. G. Abstract: Sheep milk is used on a global scale for the production of cheese and otherderivatives, or fresh consumption. The production of milk and its derivatives, whether formal or informal, is part... ... |
Autoria: BARROS, M. Q.; CORRÊA, A. C.; PASTRE, A. C.; LUCHESI, B. R.; MARCONCINI, J. M.; BONDANCIA, T. J.; CORRADINI, E.; SANTOS, M. R. G. dos; STEFANI, R.; TEIXEIRA, E. M. The aim of this study was to extract a cellulose rich material from the agricultural residue of the processing of the ginger starch (GS) - the ginger bagasse (GB). The chemical composition of ginger a... ... |
Autoria: NUNES, V. R. R.; MOREIRA, E. M.; SILVA, G. M. da; NEVES, P. M. A.; SOUZA, V. L. de; ANDRADE, J. de S.; SANTOS, I. A. P.; PFEIFER, L. F. M. Impacto da suplementação na resposta ovariana de vacas Girolando durante a estação seca e chuvosa. |
Autoria: TAVEIRA, J. H. Da S.; BORÉM, F. M.; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da; OLIVEIRA, P. D.; GIOMO, G. S.; ISQUIERDO, E. P.; FORTUNATO, V. A. During coffee drying, different temperatures applied to the beans with varied humidity content levels can interfere in the membranes integrity, germination, organic acid and carbohydrate content resul... ... |
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