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Autoria: SOARES, A. G.; FREITAS-SILVA, O.; CABRAL, L. M. C. Strawberry is a small fruit considered one of the most appreciated berries by the Brazilian population, for its pleasant flavour and source of vitamin C. However, it is a highly perishable fruit due t... ... |
Autoria: PILON, L.; FOSCHINI, M. M.; CORREA, D. S.; FERREIRA, M. D. Edible coatings to extend the shelf life and preserve the quality of fruit and vegetables are highly demanded nowadays. Recently, plant-based edible coatings have gained importance in the context of s... ... |
Autoria: FOSCHINI, M. M.; BRESOLIN, J. D.; HUBINGER, S. Z.; ASSIS, O. B. G. de; FERREIRA, M. D. Abstract Edible coatings can be an alternative to extend shelf-life and preserve quality of fresh-cut fruits by forming a barrier that avoids physical and microbiological damages. Such coatings can be... ... |
Autoria: BARBOZA, H. T. G.; SILVA, J. P. L. da; FREITAS-SILVA, O.; CABRAL, L. M. C. Strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) are very popular fruits due to their attractive color and taste, nutritional values and the wide possibility of industrial processing. However, they have a sho... ... |
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