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Author(s): OLIVEIRA, M. D. M. de; CARROMEU, C.; DIAS, F. R. T. O CICarne é um observatório com foco em consolidar e monitorar análises e tendências do mercado de inovações da pecuária bovina de corte. Dentre seus diversos projetos, atua na vertente de mineração d... ... |
Author(s): VILELA, F. DE A.; TIMES, V. C.; BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; FREITAS, A. DE P.; CIFERRI, R. R. Nowadays, organizations are very interested to gather data for strategic decision-making. Data are disposable in operational sources, which are distributed, heterogeneous, and autonomous. These data a... ... |
Author(s): CUSIN, R.; REVERS, L. F.; MARASCHIN, F. dos S. Apple is a fruit crop cultivated worldwide. Apple orchards are exposed to a diverse set of environmental and biological factors that affect the productivity and sustainability of the culture. Many of... ... |
Author(s): COIMBRA, P. P. S.; CARVALHO, C. W. P. de; TAKEITI, C. Y.; GONÇALVES, E. C. B. de A.; CARDOSO, F. de S. N.
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of biopolymers from vegetable source with reuse of residual solution. Author(s): COIMBRA, P. P. S.; TAKEITI, C. Y.; CARVALHO, C. W. P. de; CARDOSO, F. de S. N.; GONÇALVES, E. C. B. de A.
Author(s): GOMES, A. L. S.; SOUZA, W. F. M.; COSTA, A. O.; SOUZA, M. R. A.; CARVALHO, R. S. J. T.; SOUZA, G. S.; TERRA, A. M.; ROCHA, C. B.; HEIDEN, G.; MOREIRA, R. F. A.
Author(s): NOGUEIRA, A. R. de A.; BIANCHI, S. R.; NÓBREGA, J. A. Among the instrumental techniques that can be useel for eletermination of trace elements in soils inductively coupled plaSl1la mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) presents aelvantages such as multielemental ch... ... |
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