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Autoria: VICENTE, L. P.; RODRIGUEZ, M. A. D. Banana world production (2015) was133.7 million ton and is the most important fruit commodity representing a gross value of 45 billion USD. Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) produce 24 % of the ba... ... |
Autoria: PEREIRA, J. F.; FERREIRA, F. N.; KANASHIRO, M. BOManejo is a free software developed by Embrapa to assist the elaboration and execution of Sustainable Forest Management Plans (SFMP) in the Amazon. From the information of the forest inventory, toge... ... |
Autoria: REIS, F. A.; VARGAS JÚNIOR, F. M. de; COSTA, J. A. A. da; BURIN, P. C.; LEONARDO, A. P.; BRITEZ, G. D. V. Hacienda De Descanso De Ovinos Para Faena (PDOA); |
Autoria: ANDRADE, R. G.; HOTT, M. C.; MAGALHAES JUNIOR, W. C. P. de Pasture production is estimated through remote sensing techniques with the aid of models and algorithms. The application with no need for extensive field measurements is one of the advantages of the S... ... |
Autoria: VELOSO, R. F.; FERNANDES, F. B.; BARIONI, L. G.; COLOCA, A. RESUMO: A necessidade de dados para avaliação financeira e econômica de tecnologias agropecuárias e de aperfeiçoamento de procedimentos gerenciais de fazendas, por meio de recursos de informática, lev... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, B. S. da; CABREIRA, T. M.; De SOUZA, J. O.; MATIAS. N. R.; MACHADO, R. A. O.; JORGE, L. A. de C.; FERREIRA JR., P. R. Agricultural pests and diseases can cause financiallosses on the scale of millions per year and threaten food security.Biological control (BC) is a natural phenomenon to mitigate a particular populati... ... |
Autoria: GEBLER, L.; DÍAZ, A.; MAIA, L.; MEDINA, L.; TRELLES, S. Food markets are increasingly demanding the implementation of good agricultural practices programs (GAP) in the public or private sectors as a way to guarantee the sustainable and responsible producti... ... |
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