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Autoria: BOTELHO, A. B. R. Z.; SILVA, I. F. da; AVILA, C. J.
Autoria: GARCIA, A. R.; SANTOS, A. X.; NAHUM, B. de S.; SILVA, L. K. X.; LOURENÇO JÚNIOR, J. B.; JOELE, M. R. S. P.
Autoria: SALMAN, A. K. D.; SOUZA, E. C. de; CARVALHO, G. A. de; SILVA, F. R. F. da; HALFEN, J.; SANTIAGO, E. A. A. de; CRUZ, P. G. da; SCHMITT, E. The effect of soybean oil supplementation in the diet of early lactating Girolando cows under moderate heat stress were studied in a grazing trial. Dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield, feed efficiency... ... |
Autoria: ARAUJO, G. P. de; PARENTE, J.; WANSINK, B. This article aims to identify antecedents of food waste among lower-middle class families ? a paradox, given the financial constraints this population faces. The importance of this research is evident... ... |
Autoria: CARRA, S. H. Z.; DRASTIG, K.; PALHARES, J. C. P.; BORTOLIN, T. A.; KOCH, H.; SCHNEIDER, V. E. This study presents the assessment of water scarcity associated with livestock production in a watershed in Southern Brazil where 115 farms (poultry, pig, and milk) are located. The methods, AWARE—ava... ... |
Autoria: MASCARENHAS, A. R. P.; SCATOLINO, M. V.; MEDEIROS, D. T.; BATISTA, F. G.; SETTER, C.; MELO, R. R. de; MARTINS, M. A.; TONOLI, G. H. D. ABSTRACT Background: The production of cellulose microfibrils/nanofibrils (CMF/CNF) has attracted increasing attention in recent decades due to their excellent barrier, mechanical, and surface chemist... ... |
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