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Autoria: BORGES, A. L.; LIMA, A. de A. The passion-fruit is extremely important in Brazil. Its fruits are rich in mineral salts and vitamins, especially A and C, and its juice has a wonderful aroma and flavor. It is widely accepted in diff... ... |
Autoria: BAZZI, L. C.; SILVA, V. F.; GEBLER, L.; SANTOS, S. S. R.; SOUZA, G. E; SCHENATTO, K.; SOBJAK, R.; HACHISUCA, A. M. M Insects are a constant threat to agriculture, especially the cultivation of various types of fruits such as apples, pears, guava, etc. In this sense, it is worth mentioning the Anastrepha genus flies... ... |
Autoria: LOPES, P. R. C.; SILVA, J. L.; MATTA, F. B. Objectives and principles of integrated production; Implementation of the integrated fruit production to mangos in Brazil. |
Autoria: ROBINSON, T. L.; RUFATO, A. de R.; RUFATO, L.; DOMINGUEZ, L. I. In climates such as New York State, USA, fruit quality (taste and bitter pit incidence) of "Honeycrisp" apple varies significantly from year to year. Our research with Honeycrisp? indicates that when... ... |
Autoria: PARANHOS, B. A. J.; NAVA, D. E.; MALAVASI, A. Fruit flies are the main pests of fruit growing in Brazil. They have been managed predominantly with the use of insecticides applied as cover spray and/or as toxic baits. Currently, the trend of manag... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, R. A. da; PEREIRA, J. D. B.; DEUS, E. G.; GODOY, M. J. S.; ZUCCHI, R. A.
Autoria: SILVA, P. O. da; GUIMARÃES, N. C. de A.; SERPA, J. D. M.; MASUI, D. C.; MARCHETTI, C. R.; VERBISCK, N. V.; ZANOELO, F. F.; RULLER, R.; GIANNESI, G. C. The endo-xylanase from Aspergillus japonicus (UFMS 48.136) was purified in a single step using carboximethylcellulose chromatographic column and applied in fruit juice clarification process and fruit... ... |
Autoria: MALEGORI, C.; GRASSI, S.; MARQUES, E.; AVELAR, M. F. P.; FREITAS, S. T. de; PASQUINI, C.; CASIRAGHI, E. The aim of this work is to evaluate, by HIS, vitamin C distribution in acerola fruit as discriminant quality parameter so to deliver the product to the industry according to the fruit quality. |
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