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Autoria: GOMEZ, H. A. G.; NIEDERAUER, G. F.; MINATEL, I. O.; ANTUNES, E. R. M.; CARNEIRO, M. J.; SAWAYA, A. C. H. F.; ZANUS, M. C.; RITSCHEL, P. S.; QUECINI, V.; LIMA, G. P. P.; MARQUES, M. O. M. Yield, disease tolerance, and climate adaptation are important traits in grapevine genetic breeding programs.Selection for these characteristics causes unpredictable changes in primary and specialized... ... |
Autoria: DAMASCENO, J. O; RUAS, E. A.; RODRIGUES, L. A.; RUAS, C. F.; BIANCHINI, E.; PIMENTA, J. A.; RUAS, P. M. Studies on intraspecific variation can contribute to the development of conservation strategies by identifying units of conservation for threatened species. Aspidosperma polyneuron is a tropical tree... ... |
Autoria: TAMBASCO-TALHARI, D.; ALENCAR, M. M. de; PAZ, C. C. P. de; CRUZ, G. M. D.; RODRIGUES, A. de A.; PACKER, U. I.; COUTINHO, L. L.; REGITANO, L. C. de A. Several studies have investigated the relationship between heterozygosity, genetic distance and production traits. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of the degree of het... ... |
Autoria: GOMEZ, H. A. G.; NIEDERAUER, G. F.; MINATEL, I. O.; ANTUNES, E. R. M.; CARNEIRO, M. J.; SAWAYA, A. C. H. F.; ZANUS, M. C.; RITSCHEL, P. S.; QUECINI, V.; LIMA, G. P. P.; MARQUES, M. O. M. Yield, disease tolerance, and climate adaptation are important traits in grapevine genetic breeding programs. Selection for these characteristics cause unpredictable changes in primary and specialized... ... |
Autoria: PESSOA-FILHO, M.; RANGEL, P. H. N.; FERREIRA, M. E. Background Breeding programs are usually reluctant to evaluate and use germplasm accessions other than the elite materials belonging to their advanced populations. The concept of core collections has... ... |
Autoria: BALDONI, A. B.; TEODORO, L. P. R.; TEODORO, P. E.; TONINI, H.; TARDIN, F. D.; BOTIN, A. A.; HOOGERHEIDE, E. S. S.; BOTELHO, S. de C. C.; LULU, J.; FARIAS NETO, A. L. de; AZEVEDO, V. C. R. Understanding genetic diversity is the basis of the evolutionary process of any species, as there are mechanisms that increase or reduce genetic variation. Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl.) occ... ... |
Autoria: MONTEIRO, V. A.; AMABILE, R. F.; SPEHAR, C. R.; FALEIRO, F. G.; VIEIRA, E. A.; PEIXOTO, J. R.; RIBEIRO JUNIOR, W. Q.; MONTALVÃO, A. N. L. Abstract The success of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivation and its adaptation to cropping systems relies on the knowledge and utilization of existing variability in germplasm banks. The objective... ... |
Autoria: CONCEIÇÃO, L. D. H. C. S. DA; ANTONIASSI, R.; JUNQUEIRA, N. T. V.; BRAGA, M. F.; MACHADO, A. F. de F.; ROGÉRIO, J. B; DURARTE, I. D.; BIZZO, H. R. The macauba has been identified as the most promising native species for the production of vegetable oil and biomass. Several studies confirm its potential for numerous purposes (liquid and solid biof... ... |
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