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Autoria: LOBO, R. N. B.; FACO, O.; LOBO, A. M. B. O.; VILLELA, L. C. V.
Autoria: NASCIMENTO, P. M. P. do; BRANDÃO, F. Z.; PEREIRA, P. F. V.; PONTELLO, V. R.; TAVARES, L. L.; OLIVEIRA, A. P.; BRUSCHI, J. H.; FONSECA, J. F. da The objective of this study was to report the possibility of inducing male behavior in the female goat by short-term protocol of exogenous androgen administration. A mature pluriparous Toggenburg goat... ... |
Autoria: GUIMARÃES, V. P.; HOLANDA JÚNIOR, E. V.; OLIVEIRA, E. L de; ALBUQUERQUE, F. H. M. A. R. de A dairy goat model was built to study the impacts of puberty and lactation order in a herd over time. A system dynamics approach was used to develop the feedback structure of the model, which was prog... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, G. N. de; BRITO, J. R. F.; BRITO, M. A. V. P. e; LANGE, C. C.; FARIA, C. G. de; MORAES, L. C. D. de; FONSECA, R. G.; SILVA, Y. de A. The milk composition and somatic cell count (SCC) are requirements for assessment milk quality and mastitis in goat herds. Studies conducted with dairy goat herds indicated that the milk composition d... ... |
Autoria: LOPES, F. B.; SILVA, M. C.; PAIVA, S. R.; FACO, O.; MCMANUS, C. M. P.
Autoria: LOBO, R. N. B.; SANTOS, L. H. dos; FACO, O.; LOBO, A. M. B. O. Abstract: This work aimed to evaluate the genetic and economic gains for two selection schemes for dairy goats in Brazil. Analyses were performed by ZPLAN software. The traditional scheme had no econo... ... |
Autoria: VIEIRA, A. D. S.; SILVA, L. M. F. da; MARTINEZ, R. C. R.; SAAD, S. M. I.; SANTOS, K. M. O. dos
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, L. S.; FELISBERTO, N. R. de O.; NOGUEIRA, D. M.; SILVA, A. F.; BIAGIOLI, B.; GONZALEZ-ESQUIVEL, C. E.; TEIXEIRA, I. A. M. de A. Abstract: Socio-productive initiatives that culminated with the advent of the Food Acquisition Program in the Milk modality (PAA Milk) in 2003 boosted the development of Local Productive Arrangements... ... |
Autoria: ÂNGELO, F. F.; REZENDE, A. P. M.; SCHWAAB, R. D. C.; LOPES, M. F.; AGUIAR, D. M.; SOUZA, V. de; ARAUJO, R. F. de; GUIMARAES, I. B.; DELVINO, R. M.; VARELLA, G. O. M. The aim of this study was to monitor the presence of pathogens causing caprine mastitis during three months in a properties situated in the region of the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais. The presence of... ... |
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