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BRS A501 CL is the first upland rice cultivar with tolerance to the broad-spectrum herbicide Kifix®. It has a medium-length cycle, high stability of whole grain yield at processing, good disease toler... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2020

Few studies on herbicide selectivity for potato crop can be found in literature, especially under Brazilian conditions. Therfore, the aim of this sudy was to analyze phitotoxic action of different her... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2019

Abstract: Sugarcane cultivation is the most important agricultural activity in the State of São Paulo, which is responsible for over half of Brazilian production of the crop. Eutrophication and contam... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2016

Herbicides are stressors that can have negative effects on plants. In Oryza sativa (L.), differential gene expression may be evalu-ated through real-time reverse transcription quantitative poly-merase... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2019

This study aimed to determine the selectivity of herbicides applied in pre- and post-emergence for alfalfa crops. Three separate experiments were carried out under greenhouse conditions. The first exp... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2013

To be effective, herbicides they must have strong biological activity against plants. Indirectly through their effects on plants, herbicides can influence almost any process or interaction of the plan... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2006

This study evaluates the effects of different levels of sugarcane straw on the soil surface on the transport by runoff water of four herbicides: ametryn, diuron, hexazinone, and sulfentrazone. Two run... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2020

Background: The use of desiccant herbicides can allow the anticipation of common bean harvesting by providing a reduction in the humidity of plants and grains. Objective: Determine the effect of doses... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2021

BRS A504 CL is a new rice cultivar, resistant to herbicides from the imidazolinone chemical group, developed for the Clearfield Production System for upland rice in Brazil. The cultivar has excellent... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2024


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