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Autoria: OLIVEIRA, J. B. DE; OLIVEIRA, C. G. R. de; PEREIRA, G. E. Flavan-3-ols are widely distributed in higher plants, such as grapes, located in the skins and seeds, being transferred to the wine during winemaking. They are responsible for specific sensory propert... ... |
Autoria: CORREA, L. C.; BIASOTO, A. C. T.; PEREIRA, G. E.; RYBKA, A. C. P. The aim of this study was to develop a simple and fast HPLC method for the detection and quantification of tartaric, malic, ascorbic, lactic, acetic, citric and succinic acids in must, grape juices an... ... |
Autoria: SILVEIRA, R. da S.; LEAL, G. C.; DAL MOLIN, T. D.; FACCIN, H.; GOBO, L. A.; SILVEIRA, G. D. da; SOUZA, M. T. da S.; LAMEIRA, O. A.; CARVALHO, L. M. de; VIANA, C. This work describes the chemical characterization of extracts of Jatropha gossypiifolia (from Amazonia region) concerning the presence of phenolic and triterpenic compounds using Ultra High Perfomance... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, M. P.; OLIVEIRA, M. C. N. de; MANDARINO, J. M. G.; SILVA, J. B. da; IDA, E. I.; CARRÃO-PANIZZI, M. C. The objective of this work was to analyze changes in the isoflavone profile, determined by high performance liquid chromatography, at different processing stages and after refrigeration of tempeh. For... ... |
Autoria: SETOTAW, T. A.; NUNES, C. F.; SOUZA, C. S. de; SALGADO, S. L.; CARVALHO, G. R.; REZENDE, J. C. de; PEREIRA, A. A.; CANÇADO, G. M. de A. O banco de germoplasma de café da EPAMIG contém acessos muito importantes para o programa de melhoramento de Coffea arabica, os quais necessitam de caracterização em relação aos ácidos orgânicos e caf... ... |
Autoria: PEREIRA, J. F.; SARRIA, A. L. F.; POWERS, S. J.; ARADOTTIR, G. I.; CAULFIELD, J. C.; MARTIN, J.; SMART, L. E.; PICKETT, J. A.; BIRKETT, M. A.; PEREIRA, P. R. V. da S. Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the natural levels of the plant defence compound DIMBOA (2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one) in young leaves of eight hexaploid Brazilian... ... |
Autoria: IVOMOTO, S. T.; SAKURAY, L. M.; FERREIRA, L. P.; KITZBERGER, C. S. G.; SCHOLZ, M. B. S.; POT, D.; LEROY, T.; VIEIRA, L. G. E.; DOMINGUES, D. S.; PEREIRA, L. F. P. Lipids are among the major chemical compounds present in coffee beans, and they affect the flavor and aroma of the coffee beverage. Coffee oil is rich in kaurene diterpene compounds, mainly cafestol (... ... |
Autoria: CONCEIÇÃO, A. A.; SOARES NETO, C. B.; RIBEIRO, J. A. de A.; SIQUEIRA, F. G. de; MILLER, R. N. G.; MENDONCA, S. Abstract: Cottonseed cake biomass, which is a residue of oil extraction, is potentially appropriate for use as animal feed, given the high mineral, fibre and protein content. The presence of free goss... ... |
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