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Autoria: FIGUEIREDO, S. M. de M.; VENTICINQUE, E. M.; FIGUEIREDO, E. O. Knowledge of the geographical distribution of timber tree species in the Amazon is still scarce. This is especially true at the local level, thereby limiting natural resource management actions. Fores... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, C. de O. F.; GREGO, C. R.; MANZIONE, R. L.; OLIVEIRA, S. R. de M. the objective of this study was to evaluate the use of remotely sensed data as auxiliary variables in the block cokriging (BCOK) modeling of coffee yield characterized by the presence of outliers. |
Autoria: SILVA, M. H. M. da; RACOCEVIC, M. The objective of this work was to build mock-ups of complete yerba mate plants in several stages of development, using the InterpolMate software, and to compute photosynthesis on the interpolated stru... ... |
Autoria: MARIN, F. R.; COSTA, L. G.; NASSIF, D. S. P.; PINTO, H. M. S.; MEDEIROS, S. R. R. ABSTRACT: Crop models are written as sets of different equations which are solved numerically. They require time series of local environmental drivers like weather conditions and constant parameters t... ... |
Autoria: MANJOLIN, R. C.; GREGO, C. R.; NOGUEIRA, S. F.; BARIONI, L. G.; SILVA, G. B. S. da; SANTOS, P. M.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M. Resumo - O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e espacializar a disponibilidade de forragem em três sistemas de pecuária: intensivo, extensivo e integração lavoura/pecuária (ILP), nas estações chuvosa... ... |
Autoria: LAURENTI, N.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M.; GUIMARAES, E. da S.; BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; RODRIGUES, J. Integrated production systems have emerged as a sustainable production strategy in intensifying land use with minimal impact on ecosystem functions. This study used precision agriculture tools to inve... ... |
Autoria: CECÍLIO, R. A.; SILVA, K. R.; XAVIER, A. C.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e avaliar um método de espacialização dos elementos do balanço hídrico climatológico (BHC). O método utiliza modelos digitais do terreno que contêm a distribu... ... |
Autoria: PINHEIRO, K. A. O.; OLIVEIRA, F. de A.; RUSCHEL, A. R.; PITA, J. D.; SANTOS, G. C.; SILVA, F. L. da; FRAZÃO, A. da S.; CARNEIRO, F. da S.; SOUZA, M. F. S. de The objective of this work was to evaluate the distribution of forest volume identified through interpolation maps from data obtained from the forest. We sampled 36 plots with 1-ha area. Special maps... ... |
Autoria: GREGO, C. R.; SPERANZA, E. A.; RODRIGUES, G. C.; LUCHIARI JÚNIOR, A.; VENDRUSCULO, L. G.; RODRIGUES, C. A. G.; INAMASU, R. Y.; VAZ, C. M. P.; RABELLO, L. M.; JORGE, L. A. de C.; ZOLIN, C. A.; FRANCHINI, J. C.; RONQUIM, C. C. Introduction. Collecting, storing, and analyzing data in PA. Identification of soil spatial variability: Soil sampling; Electrical conductivity. Identification of crop spatial variability: Productivit... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, W. J. O. de; ROZANE, D. E.; SOUZA, H. A. de; NATALE, W.; SANTOS, P. A. F. dos The study was conducted in irrigated commercial orchards of ?Paluma? and ?Pedro Sato? guavas, which were mapped with a Garmin GPS unit (Cx60). Sixty five sampling points were marked on a 21 x 21 m sam... ... |
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