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Autoria: ANDRADE NETO, T. M. de; COELHO, E. F.; SANTANA, J. A. do V.; SANTANA JÚNIOR, E. B.; ALVES, M. da S. Fertilizers are salts that may increase irrigation water salinity, therefore, fertirrigation management should consider aspects like the injection solution. The electrical conductivity of soil solutio... ... |
Autoria: SHOCK, C. C.; FEIBERT, E. B. G.; PINTO, J. M. The irrigation needs of long day onion (Allium cepa) have been extensively studied at Ontario, Oregon, over the past 22 years. Drip irrigation has compared favorably with furrow and sprinkler irrigati... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, A. J. P. da; COELHO, E. F.; MIRANDA, J. H. de The food production will be limited in a near future due to the shortening of water resources. The irrigated agriculture must seek for solutions in order to guarantee high yields using water with high... ... |
Autoria: BORGES JÚNIOR, J. C. F.; ANDRADE, C. de L. T. de Irrigation can provide significant agronomic and financial returns on agricultural activity. The maximization of the benefits obtained from irrigation depends, among other factors, on the water use ef... ... |
Autoria: SOCCOL, O. J.; RODRIGUES, L. N.; BOTREL, T. A.; ULLMANN, M. N. The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of a hydrocyclone to separate sand in irrigation water. To do this, it an experiment was conducted where the hydrocyclone was operated with pr... ... |
Autoria: ARAÚJO, L. M.; TEIXEIRA, A. H. de C.; BASSOI, L. H. In order to make feasible the use of irrigated areas of the Pontal Sul Irrigation Scheme in Petrolina, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, modelling of real evapotranspiration (ET) and plant biomass producti... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE NETO, T. M. de; COELHO, E. F.; SANTANA, J. A. do V.; SANTANA JUNIOR, E. B.; ALVES, M. da S. The use of fertirrigation provides larger fertilizer application efficiency, reduction on labor and increases in the benefit-cost relationship to farmers. The inadequate use of fertilizer in fertirrig... ... |
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