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Autoria: PAULO, E. M.; VASCONCELOS, M. P.; OLIVEIRA, I. S.; AFFE, H. M. J.; NASCIMENTO, R. dos S.; MELO, I. S. de; ROQUE, M. R. de A.; ASSIS, S. A. de Abstract: The accumulation of exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced by microorganisms occurs in the presence of excess substrate and limiting conditions of elements that are essential to growth, such as n... ... |
Autoria: SLONGO, A. P.; ROSENTHAL, A.; CAMARGO, L. M. Q.; DELIZA, R.; MATHIAS, S. P.; ARAGÃO, G. M. F. de The main responsible for the spoilage of cooked cured meat products stored under refrigerated and anaerobic conditions are lactic acid bacteria. The application of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) redu... ... |
Autoria: DIAS, J. F.; SIMBRAS, B. D.; BERES, C.; SANTOS, K. M. O. dos; CABRAL, L. M. C.; MIGUEL, M. A. L.
Autoria: MATHIAS, S. P.; ROSENTHAL, A.; GASPAR, A.; ARAGÃO, G. M. F.; SLONGO-MARCUSI, A. High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) has been investigated and industrially applied to extend shelf life of meat-based products. Traditional ham packaged under microaerophilic conditions may sometimes pres... ... |
Autoria: KRÜGER, C. Q.; MARQUES, B. L.; PACHECO, T. F.; MARROIG, L. B.; SALUM, T. F. C.; FAVARO, L. C. de L. The present work evaluated 96 bacteria isolated from Avicennia schaeuriana (27 strains), Laguncularia racemosa (24 strains), and Rhizophora mangle (45 strains) from a mangrove area impacted by an oil... ... |
Autoria: PEREIRA, G. A.; SANTOS, E. M.; ARAUJO, G. G. L. de; OLIVEIRA, J. S.; PINHO, R. M. A; ZANINE, A. de M.; SOUZA, A. F. N.; MACEDO, A. J. S.; NETO, J. M. C.; NASCIMENTO, T. V. C. The current study aimed to select the strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from forage cactus plants and silage and assess their effects on silage fermentation and aerobic stability. Forty w... ... |
Autoria: HOSKEN, B. de O.; PEREIRA, G. V. M.; LIMA. T. T. M.; RIBEIRO, J. B.; MAGALHAES JUNIOR, W. C. P. de; MARTINS, J. G. P. Artisanal cheeses are prepared using traditional methods with territorial, regional and cultural linkages. In Brazil, there is a great diversity of artisanal cheeses (BAC), which have historical, soci... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, A. P. M. dos; SANTOS, E. M.; OLIVEIRA, J. S. de; ARAUJO, G. G. L. de; ZANINE, A. de M.; PINHO, R. M. A.; NASCIMENTO, T. V. C. do; PERAZZO, A. F.; FERREIRA, D. de J.; MACEDO, A. J. da S.; SANTOS, F. N. de S. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of inoculation with lyophilised and/or activated Lactobacillus buchneri on lactic acid bacteria populations in corn silage. Experimental treatments consisted of... ... |
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