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Autoria: RODRIGUES, R.; SOARES, J.; GARCIA, H.; NASCIMENTO, C.; MEDEIROS, M.; BOMFIM, M. A. D.; MEDEIROS, M. C.; QUEIROGA, R. Abstract: Goat milk is source of different lipids, including conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA reduces body fat and protect against cardiovascular diseases. In the present study fat from goat milk n... ... |
Autoria: MENEGHEL, M.; DALL ACQUA, P. C.; AMBROGI, M.; GOUVÊA, L. M.; ACHILLES, M. A.; LEÃO, B. C. S.; NOGUEIRA, E.; ROCHA-FRIGONI, N. A. S.; MINGOTI, G. Z. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of supplementation of in vitro culture (IVC) medium with drugs that stimulates the lipolysis (Forskolin: Forsk) and inhibit the lipogenes... ... |
Autoria: JOSÉ, A. A. F. B. V.; GAMA, M. A. S.; LANNA, D. P. D. The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in adipose tissue explant cultures of growing pigs on the following responses: lipoge... ... |
Autoria: CARVALHO, B. P.; COSTA, F. de Q.; DETONI, D.; ROSA, F. B.; DIAS, A. J. B. This study evaluated the effect of the addition of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) to in vitro culture on viability, lipid content, and cryoresistance of bovine embryos at different in vitro culture ti... ... |
Autoria: SOUSA, R. T. de; BOMFIM, M. A. D.; ALBUQUERQUE, F. H. M. A. R. de; SANTOS, C. M. dos; FERRARI, V. B.; FERNANDES, F. E. P.; FONSECA, J. F. da Abstract: The objective of this study was to compare the corn-based (FLU), high linoleic acid flushings(LAF), and a control treatment (un supplemented, CON); two genetic groups:Morada Nova (MN) and Br... ... |
Autoria: GAMA, M. A. S. da; RAPOSO, N. R. B.; MURY, F. B.; LOPES, F. C. F.; DIAS-NETO, E.; TALIB, L. L.; GATTAZ, W. F.
Autoria: SOARES, J. K. B.; ROCHA-DE-MELO, A. P.; MEDEIROS, M. C.; QUEIROGA, R. C. R. E.; BOMFIM, M. A. D.; SOUZA, A. F. O. de; NASCIMENTO, A. L. V.; GUEDES, R. C. A. Abstract - Background: Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are fatty acids that are found in the lipids from goat milk, and appear to protect neurons from excitotoxicity. Methods: We investigated in devel... ... |
Autoria: CASTRO, R. DE J. C.; SOUZA SOBRINHO, F. de; GAMA, M. A. S. da; BARRA, P. M. DE C.; ANTONIASSI, R.; OLIVEIRA, M. A. L. DE An alternative method for extraction optimization of C18:2 n-6 and C18:3 n-3, the main precursors for the synthesis of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), in Brachiaria ruzizienses forages was proposed. T... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, K. M. O. dos; BOMFIM, M. A. D.; VIEIRA, A. D. S.; BENEVIDES, S. D.; SAAD, S. M. I.; BURITI, F. C. A.
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