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Autoria: VACARI, I.; PRIKLADNICKI, R. Abstract - Agile software development (ASD) has become an important research topic. However, despite the increase in the number of studies in this area in the last few years, there is a lack of struct... ... |
Autoria: AULER, D.; TEIXEIRA, R.; NARDI, V. A. M. The increasing number of food contamination events has called the attention of both practitioners and scholars to food safety problems and their consequences. Many of these events are related to the s... ... |
Autoria: CASTRO, V. H. M. e de; PARREIRAS, T. C.; BOLFE, E. L. Brazil stands out in the international citrus trade, especially due to its oranges, having produced around 16 million tons in 2021. However, productivity could be increased with greater control of dis... ... |
Autoria: CASAGRANDA, Y. G.; WISNIEWSKA-PALUSZAK, J.; PALUSZAK, G.; MORES, G. DE V.; DAL MORO, L.; MALAFAIA, G. C.; AZEVEDO, D. B. DE; ZHANG, D. Abstract - Brazil is one of the world’s biggest beef producers and its largest exporter. However, beef cattle ranching is a leading cause of deforestation and habitat conversion in the Brazilian Amazo... ... |
Autoria: GOMES, A. L. B.; FERNANDES, A. M. R.; HORTA, B. C.; OLIVEIRA, M. F. de In recent times, there has been an environmental pressure to reduce the amount of pesticides applied to crops and, consequently, the crop production costs. Therefore, investments have been made in tec... ... |
Autoria: MARTINS, W. B. R.; LIMA, M. D. R.; BARROS JUNIOR, U. O.; AMORIM, L. S. V.-B.; OLIVEIRA, F. de A.; SCHWARTZ, G. Mining contributes significantly to the world's economy. However, it brings strong environmental impacts, including the destruction of the original vegetation. In this way, the recovery of degraded ar... ... |
Autoria: LIMA, R. S.; CALDEIRA-PIRES, A. de A.; CARDOSO, A. N.
Autoria: RECH, H; FRAGA, A. Z.; FRANCESCHI, C. H.; MARIANI, A. B.; OLIVEIRA, C. R. de; GALLI, G. M.; LÉTOURNEAU-MONTMINY, M-P; HAUSCHILD, L.; BERTOL, T. M.; ANDRETTA, I. Abstract: This study aimed to examine the nutritional diversity of distillers’ co-products in pigs. Two distinct databases were used in this study. The first was compiled through a systematic review o... ... |
Autoria: VIEIRA JUNIOR, J. R.; FERNANDES, C. de F.; MARCOLAN, A. L.; SILVA, D. S. G. da; ANTUNES JUNIOR, H.; REIS, N. D. Esta publicação faz um levantamento de outros trabalhos que utilizaram residentes de fitoplano, como agentes de biocontrole. Reúne informações a respeito de fatores físicos e biológicos que governam a... ... |
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