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Autoria: TEIXEIRA, E. S.; NUNES, V. F.; PINHO, D. C.; MAIA JÚNIOR, P. H. F.; LIMA, F. M.; SOUZA FILHO, M. de S. M. de; ALMEIDA, A. F. L.; FREIRE, F. N. A.
Autoria: EGITO, A. S. do; SILVA, L. M. F. da; MARTINEZ, R. C. R.; SAAD, S. M. I.; SANTOS, K. M. O. dos
Autoria: HIGUERA, J. M.; SILVA, A. B. S.; NOGUEIRA, A. R. de A. The multi-energy calibration (MEC) was evaluated for the determination of Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, S, and Zn in meat samples by inductively coupled plasma optical spectrometry (ICP OES). This calibra... ... |
Autoria: MORENO, F. A.; SOARES, C. E. da S.; DAHLKE, F.; ALVAREZ, M. V. N.; AVILA, V. S. de; KRABBE, E. L.; MAIORKA, A. Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of an enzymatic association between phytase and xylanase on the production performance of commercial laying hens reared in cage free... ... |
Autoria: MESQUITA, L. M. de S.; RODRIGUES, C. F. B.; ROCHA, C. Q. da; BIANCHIM, M. S.; RODRIGUES, C. M.; OLIVEIRA, V. de; GAETA, H. H.; BELCHOR, M. N.; TOYAMA. M. H.; VILEGAS, W. We recognize the chemical composition of the acetonic extract of Rhizophora mangle barks (AERM) using mass spectrometry analysis [liquid chromatography (LC)?ESI?IT-MS/MS and matrix-assisted laser deso... ... |
Autoria: MATTOS, B. D.; MISSIO, A. L.; CADEMARTORI, P. H. G. de; LIMA, E. A. de; MAGALHAES, W. L. E.; GATTO, D. A. This study presents the preparation of polypropylene composites filled with mixtures of household waste of mate-tea and eucalypt particles and aims to increase the economic value chain of mate-tea. Fi... ... |
Autoria: MACHADO, R. C.; SILVA, A. B. S. da; ANDRADE, D. F. de; PINHEIRO, F. C.; WILLIAMS, C. B.; DONATI, G. L.; NOGUEIRA, A. R. de A.; PEREIRA FILHO, E. R. Multi-flow calibration (MFC) is based on monitoring the analytical signal from a single calibration standard solution at several different nebulization gas flow rates (Q), which normalizes plasma cond... ... |
Autoria: ROCHA, R. de F. B.; GARCIA, A. O.; SANTOS, M. G. dos; OTTO, P. I.; SILVA, M. V. G. B.; MARTINS, M. F.; MACHADO, M. A.; PANETTO, J. C. do C.; CALUS, M. P. L.; VANDENPLAS, J.; GUIMARÃES, S. E. F. Imprinting is a phenomenon that alters the expression of genes according to the parental origin of their alleles. A quantitative form to evaluate the imprinting effect is known as parent-of-origin eff... ... |
Autoria: BABOS, D. V.; GUEDES, W. N.; FREITAS, V. S.; SILVA, F. P.; TOZO, M. L. L.; VILLAS-BOAS, P. R.; MARTIN NETO, L.; MILORI, D. M. B. P. The demand for efficient, accurate, and cost-effective methods of measuring soil carbon (C) in agriculture is growing. Traditional approaches are time consuming and expensive, highlighting the need fo... ... |
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