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Autoria: BRUNETTO, G.; VENTURA, M.; SCANDELLARI, F.; FILIPPETTI, I.; CERETTA, C. A.; MELO, G. W. B. de; KAMINSKI, J.; TAGLIAVINI, M. Herbaceous crops grown in the vineyard alleys may represent a source of nutrients for grapevine. |
Autoria: SILVA, J. P. S da; NASCIMENTO, C. W. A. do; SILVA, D. J.; CUNHA, K. P. V da; BIONDI, C. M. This research aimed to analyse the soil fertility changes and macronutrient concentration in mango plantations in Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil. Samples of soil were collected at depths of 0-20 and 20... ... |
Autoria: CRUZ, A. F.; ALMEIDA, G. M. de; WADT, P. G. S.; PIRES, M. de C.; RAMOS, M. L. G. This research evaluated the monthly variation of plant mineral nutritionin six species of fruit trees over a year. |
Autoria: CASTRO, G. S. A.; CRUSCIOL, C. A. C. The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of superficial application of limestone and slag, and their effects on soil chemical attributes and on yield and mineral nutrition of soybean,... ... |
Autoria: GUERRA, M. B. B.; NOGUEIRA, A. R. de A.; SILVA, P. H. T.; PEREIRA FILHO, E. R. Cadmium was determined in a sample of mineral salt mixing to milk cattle that has been preparing to be a reference material. A volume of 3 mL of HNO3 3.0 mol L-1 plus 2.0 of H202 30% (W w-1) was added... ... |
Autoria: MORAES, M. F.; REIS, A. R.; MORAES, L. A. C.; LAVRES-JUNIOR, J.; VIVIAN, R.; CABRAL, C. P.; MALAVOLTA, E. The aims of the current work were to measure the effect of Mo and Ni on dry-matter yield of rice plants supplied with two N sources (ammonium nitrate and urea) and to evaluate the influence of Mo and... ... |
Autoria: MORAES, M. F. de; REIS, A. R. dos; MORAES, L. A. C.; LAVRES JUNIOR, J.; VIVIAN, R.; CABRAL, C. P.; MALAVOLTA, E. The aims of the current work were to measure the effect of Mo and Ni on dry-matter yield of rice plants supplied with two N sources (ammonium nitrate and urea) and to evaluate the influence of Mo and... ... |
Autoria: MARQUES, R. L. L.; MARQUES, F. S.; CAVALCANTE, J. A.; ROSSETTI, C.; BEVILAQUA, G. A. P.; ALMEIDA, A. S.; TUNES, L. V. M. de Pumpkins are cultivated worldwide, providing edible pulp and seeds. The use of silicon is a clean technology from the environmental perspective, which may provide several benefits to plants. The aim o... ... |
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