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Autoria: SANTOS, S. N. C.; PAULA, K. T.; COUTO, F. A.; FACURE, M. H. M.; CORREA, D. S.; MENDONÇA, C. R. Femtosecond laser micromachining stands out as an efficient and flexible tool for fabricating optical waveguides, which are key elements in photonics for their ability to confine and direct light prop... ... |
Autoria: MAHLEIN, A. K.; BARBEDO, J. G. A.; CHIANG, K. S.; DEL PONTE, E. M.; BOCK, C. H. In the past decade, there has been a recognized need for innovative methods to monitor and manage plant diseases, aiming to meet the precision demandsof modern agriculture. Over the last 15 years, sig... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, W.; FONSECA, L.; KÖRTING, T.; SIMÕES, M.; KUCHLER, P. Continuous observations from remote sensors provide high temporal and spatial resolution imagery, and better remote sensing image segmentation techniques are mandatory for efficient analysis. Among th... ... |
Autoria: CARDOSO, A. J. F.; COSTA, J. C. W. A.; FRANCÊS, C. R. L. The routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) algorithms used in optical networks are critical to achieve good network performance. However, despite several previous studies to optimize the RWA, which i... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, W. S.; FONSECA, L. M. G.; KÖRTING, T. S.; SIMÕES, M.; BENDINI, H. N.; SOUZA, R. C. M. With the amount of multitemporal and multiresolution images growing exponentially, the number of image segmentation applications is recently increasing and, simultaneously, new challenges arise. Hence... ... |
Autoria: FRANÇA, M. M.; FERNANDES FILHO, E. I.; FERREIRA, W. P. M.; LAN, J. L.; SOARES, V. P. During image acquisition, is usually chosen scenes with a lesser cloud cover to avoid loss of spectral information. However, when training samples are collected for image classification, the user find... ... |
Autoria: CASTRO, V. H. M. e de; PARREIRAS, T. C.; BOLFE, E. L. Brazil stands out in the international citrus trade, especially due to its oranges, having produced around 16 million tons in 2021. However, productivity could be increased with greater control of dis... ... |
Autoria: FRANÇA, M. M.; FERNANDES FILHO, E. I.; FERREIRA, W. P. M.; LANI, J. L.; SOARES, V. P. During image acquisition, is usually chosen scenes with a lesser cloud cover to avoid loss of spectral information. However, when training samples are collected for image classification, the user find... ... |
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