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Autoria: SPOSITO, E. C.; ABREU, L. S. de Abstract: Concern over health and environmental and social problems generated by the production of conventional agricultural products, promotes expansion of the organic market. At the same time, it is... ... |
Autoria: MOREIRA, A. The removal of primry forest causes a significant reduction of the microbial biomass of C and soil fertility. With the introduction of stands of rubber tress can be a continuos recovery of the amount... ... |
Autoria: BELLON, S.; LAMINE, C.; OLLIVIER, G.; ABREU, L. S. de Abstract: While acknowledging an extension of agroecology in the organic sector and a growing influence of agroecology in the academic world, we explore their relationships. These relationships cannot... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, L. H. X. da; OKADA, E. S. M.; SOARES, J. P. G.; OLIVEIRA, E. R. de; GANDRA, J. R.; MARQUES, O. F. C.; SILVA, J. T.; NEVES, N. F.; GABRIEL, A. M. de A. Abstract The aim of this work was to evaluate the biomass productivity and chemical-bromatological quality of Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu, intercropped with diferent leguminous under organic manage... ... |
Autoria: GOMES, A. L. de S.; SOARES, J. P. G.; JUNQUEIRA, A. M. R.; PANTOJA, M. J. Despite the relevance of credit lines for the development of organic production system activities, the access by producers, especially family producers, to specific lines for this purpose is still ext... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, E. R. de; MUNIZ, E. B.; SOARES, J. P. G.; GABRIEL, A. M. de A.; GANDRA, J. R.; MENEGAT, A. S.; SILVA, J. T.; NEVES, N. F.; MARQUES, O. F. C. Abstract The main purpose of this study was to analyze the transition of conventional dairy farming to an organic system in family-based agriculture. Eight dairy production units located in the Mato G... ... |
Autoria: CASTRO, G. S. A.; CRUSCIOL, C. A. C.; CALONEGO, J. C.; ROSOLEM, C. A. Increased soil organic matter (SOM) improves the cation exchange capacity of tropical weathered soils, and liming is required to achieve high yields in these soils. Despite a decrease in SOM in the sh... ... |
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