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Autoria: PASCOAL, G. de F. L.; ABREU, J. P. de; SANTIAGO, M. C. P. de A.; MORÁSTICA JÚNIOR, M. R.; MOREIRA, R. F. A.; FANARO, G.; TEODORO, A. J. There is little knowledge about the phenolic compounds of hybrids grape cultivars reported in literature. This work aimed to characterize the bioactive and volatile compounds from new hybrids grape cu... ... |
Autoria: MIELE, A.; FLORES, C. A.; FILIPPINI ALBA, J. M. The objective of this work was to establish the effect of three taxonomic classes of soil, i. e., Argissolo (Ultisol), Cambissolo (Inceptisol) and Neossolo (Entisol), on the phenolic compounds of wine... ... |
Autoria: BARRETO, S. M. A.; SILVA, A. B. M. da; DUTRA, M. da C. P.; BASTOS, D. C.; CARVALHO, A. J. de B. A.; VIANA, A. C.; NARAIN, N.; LIMA, M. dos S. Brazil is the largest producer of oranges worldwide, as well as one of the largest producers of orange juice. Alcoholic fermented beverages have been considered a marketable alternative for oranges. I... ... |
Autoria: BARANZELLI, J.; SOMACAL, S.; MONTEIRO, C. S.; MELLO, R. de O.; RODRIGUES, E.; PRESTES, O. D.; LÓPEZ-RUIZ, R.; FRENICH, A. G.; ROMERO-GONZÁLEZ, R.; MIRANDA, M. Z. de; EMANUELLI, T. Abstract: Pre-harvest sprouting is a frequent problem for wheat culture that can be simulated by laboratory-based germination. Despite reducing baking properties, wheat sprouting has been shown to inc... ... |
Autoria: SILVEIRA, R. da S.; LEAL, G. C.; DAL MOLIN, T. D.; FACCIN, H.; GOBO, L. A.; SILVEIRA, G. D. da; SOUZA, M. T. da S.; LAMEIRA, O. A.; CARVALHO, L. M. de; VIANA, C. This work describes the chemical characterization of extracts of Jatropha gossypiifolia (from Amazonia region) concerning the presence of phenolic and triterpenic compounds using Ultra High Perfomance... ... |
Autoria: CANEDO-REIS, N. A. P.; GUERRA, C. C.; SILVA, L. F. da; WETZSTEIN, L. C.; JUNGES, C. H.; FERRÃO, M. F.; BERGOLD, A. M. Abstract A fast method for the simultaneous quantitative determination of 16 phenolic compounds in grape juice by UPLC-MS was developed and validated. Run time was 4.5!min and the method proved to be... ... |
Autoria: LIMA, C. S.; PEREIRA, M. H.; ALEMÁN GAINZA, Y.; HOSTE, H.; REGASINI, L. O.; CHAGAS, A. C. de S. Due to high prevalence and large pathogenicity, Haemonchus contortus is the main gastrointestinal nematode in tropical and subtropical regions. This species is responsible for severe economic losses t... ... |
Autoria: PRESTES, A. A.; ANDRADE, D. R. M.; CANELLA, M. H. M.; HAAS, I. C. da S.; HELM, C. V.; GOIS, J. S. de; BLOCK, J. M.; WANDERLEY, B. R. da S. M.; AMBONI, R. D. de M. C.; CRUZ, A. G. da; PIMENTEL, T. C.; PRUDENCIO, E. S. Cold-pressed guabiroba juice was subjected to block freeze concentration. The best process efficiency (PE) was obtained for the first stage of freeze concentration compared to the second stage (C2; 57... ... |
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