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Autoria: NOMURA, E. S.; CUQUEL, F. L.; DAMATTO JUNIOR, E. R.; BEZERRA, D. P.; BORGES, A. L. There are several banana cultivars resistant to Black Sigatoka disease and to Panama disease, but due to the lack of information regarding post-harvest characteristics, many are rejected in the market... ... |
Autoria: LISBÔA, A. M. G.; ATAÍDE, E. M.; BASTOS, D. C.; SOUZA, J. M. A.; COSTA, R. S. Citrus fruit have a lengthy post-harvest lifetime, however owing to water loss, they lose firmness and luster on the skin after being picked. In light of the foregoing, this study aimed to assess the... ... |
Autoria: KITZBERGER, C. S. G.; POT, D.; MARRACCINI, P.; PEREIRA, L. F. P.; SCHOLZ, M. B. dos S. Post-harvest processing (PHP) modifies the quality of the coffee and increases the value of coffee production. The choice of PHP to apply depends primarily on the available infrastructure, local clima... ... |
Autoria: SCHENK, J. C. M.; PADILHA, L.; MALUF, M. P.; PIRES, D. A.; PEREIRA, L. A.; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da The low seed longevity of arabica coffee has consequences as to use seeds soon after harvest, and the germplasm conservation has to be made ?in situ?. Several factors affect the quality of seeds, incl... ... |
Autoria: MONTERUMICI, C. M.; ROSSO, D.; MONTONERI, E.; GINEPRO, M.; BAGLIERI, A.; NOVOTNY, E. H.; KWAPINSKI, W.; NEGRE, M. The aim of this work was to address the issue of processed vs. non-processed biowastes for agriculture, by comparing materials widely differing for the amount of process energy consumption. Thus, resi... ... |
Autoria: TAVEIRA, J. H. Da S.; BORÉM, F. M.; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da; OLIVEIRA, P. D.; GIOMO, G. S.; ISQUIERDO, E. P.; FORTUNATO, V. A. During coffee drying, different temperatures applied to the beans with varied humidity content levels can interfere in the membranes integrity, germination, organic acid and carbohydrate content resul... ... |
Autoria: MALTA, M. R.; ALCÂNTARA, E. N.; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da; ABREU, G. F.; LISKA, G. R.; FASSIO, L. de O.; LIMA, P. M.
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