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Autoria: PARAÍBA, C. C. M.; DINIZ, C. A. R.; MAIA, A. de H. N.; RODRIGUES, L. N. We propose an alternative approach for estimating soil-water characteristic curves based on truncated beta nonlinear regression models. Thus, assuming that the response variable follows a truncated be... ... |
Autoria: SIQUEIRA, D. A. B.; VAZ, C. M. P.; SILVA, F. S. da; FERREIRA, E. J.; SPERANZA, E. A.; FRANCHINI, J. C.; GALBIERI, R.; BELOT, J. L.; SOUZA, M. de; PERINA, F. J.; CHAGAS, S. das Abstract: Satellite remote sensing data expedite crop yield estimation, offering valuable insights for farmers’ decision making. Recent forecasting methods, particularly those utilizing machine learni... ... |
Autoria: PARAÍBA, C. C. M.; DINIZ, C. A. R.; MAIA, A. de H. N.; RODRIGUES, L. N.
Autoria: MELO, C. M. R. de; PACKER, I. U.; COSTA, C. N.; MACHADO, P. F. Covariance components for test day milk yield using 263 390 first lactation records of 32 448 Holstein cows were estimated using random regression animal models by restricted maximum likelihood. Three... ... |
Autoria: COBUCI, J. A.; COSTA, C. N.; BRACCINI NETO, J.; FREITAS, A. F. de Records of test-day milk yields of the first three lactations of 25,500 Holstein cows were used to estimate genetic parameters for milk yield by using two alternatives of definition of fixed regressio... ... |
Autoria: COBUCI, J. A.; COSTA, C. N. Milk yield test-day records on the first three lactations of 25,500 Holstein cows were used to estimate genetic parameters and predict breeding values for nine measures of persistency and 305-d milk y... ... |
Autoria: PARAÍBA, C. C. M.; DINIZ, C. A. R.; MAIA, A. de H. N.; RODRIGUES, L. N.
Autoria: MAIA, A. de H. N.; MEINKE, H. For applied climate risk management the probability distributions of decision variables such as rainfall, likely dates of climatic events (e.g. frost, onset of the wet season), crop yields or economic... ... |
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