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Autoria: MARCIAL, E. C.; CAMPOS, S. K.; SANTOS, J. D. F. dos; PARES, A.; LEAL, R. M. ABSTRACT - Scenario planning methods have been used since the 1950s. However, there is not a widely used definition within this field of study. For this field to evolve adequately, a comprehensive und... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, L. G. da; MENDONÇA, B. A. F.; SILVA, E. M. R. da; FRANCELINO, M. R. Remote sensing allows for identification of regularities and irregularities in land use and land coverage (LULC) change in relation to environmental legislation. The aim of this study was to delimit s... ... |
Autoria: ZANELLA, L.; BORÉM, R. A. T.; SOUZA, C. G.; ALVES, H. M. R.; BORÉM, F. M. The goals of this research were to analyze the fragmentation of the Atlantic Forest and to create landscape management scenarios for the municipality of Carmo de Minas, MG, Brazil. We used landscape m... ... |
Autoria: BARIZON, R. R. M.; MATSUURA, M. I. da S. F.; SCACHETTI, M. T.; SILVA, G. B. S. da; COSTA, M. P.; GAROFALO; LANES, V. F. de; PICOLI, G.; PIGHINELLI, A. L. M. T.; MORANDI, M. A. B. Abstract: Several methodologies have been proposed to assess the impact of pesticides applied to agricultural crops. The PestLCI Consensus v.1.0 tool presented herein helps estimating pesticide ewwmis... ... |
Autoria: PELLEGRINO, G. Q.; ASSAD, E. D.; FARIAS, J. R. B.; MARIN, F. R.; MOURA, M. S. B. de; HIGA, R. C. V.; SANTOS, P. M.; OLIVEIRA, A. F. de; EVANGELISTA, S. R. M. Assess and quantify the GCC impacts on the major economic crops in Brazil, through the simulation of agricultural scenarios based on projections of future regionalized climate scenarios, indicating st... ... |
Autoria: MINGOTI, R.; SPADOTTO, C. A.; BRASCO, M. A.; VALLE, L. B.; BERALDO, G. N.; FARIAS, A. R.; LOVISI FILHO, E. Standard scenarios increase the consistency of the regulatory evaluation process by minimizing the subjective influence when performing the pesticide environmental concentration - PEC calculation, als... ... |
Autoria: MINGOTI, R.; SPADOTTO, C. A.; BERALDO, G. N.; VALLE, L. B.; BRASCO, M. A.; FARIAS, A. R.; LOVISI FILHO, E. Standard scenarios increase the consistency of the regulatory evaluation process by minimizing the subjective influence when performing the pesticide environmental concentration - PEC calculation, als... ... |
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