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Autoria: KOLLER, W. W.; BARROS, A. T. M. de; CORREA, E. C. Cochliomyia macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae), known as the secondary screwworm, occurs in the Americas and has medical-veterinary and forensic importance. This study aimed to describe the seasonal... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, M. R. A. dos; SOUZA, P. G. Capsicum annuum is notable for its secondary metabolites, which can be of great interest for use in agriculture as alternatives to agrochemicals. Cell suspensions have been used for in vitro largescal... ... |
Autoria: LEÃO, P. M. R.; NEVES, L. C.; MELO FILHO, A. A. de; SCHURT, D. A.; ROBERTO, S. R.; ROCHA, P. R. R.; MOURA, E. A
Autoria: SANTOS, M. R. A. dos; AGUIAR, C. B.; MENDES, A. M. Chili peppers belong to the genus Capsicum and have been studied for their bioactivity, provided by secondary metabolites, which can be used for medicinal and agricultural purposes. Some Capsicum spec... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, M. R. A. dos; SOUZA, C. A. de; PAZ, E. S. The genus Capsicum belongs to the Solanaceae botanical family and is notable for the production of secondary metabolites of medicinal and economical importance. In vitro methods have been successfully... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, A. M. de S. D.; OLIVEIRA, F. de A.; VASCONCELOS, S. S.; GUIMARÃES, J. R. da S.; TOSTES, L. de C. L.; CRUZ JUNIOR, F. O.; FREITAS, J. da L.; COSTA, J. V. T. A.; LOBATO, A. M. B.; SANTOS, A. C. dos This study was part of the Manipulation of Moisture and Nutrient Availability in Young Regrowth Forests in Eastern Amazonia Project (MANFLORA). The experiment was designed in completely randomized blo... ... |
Autoria: VIEIRA, D. L. M.; RODRIGUES, S. B.; JAKOVAC, C. C.; ROCHA, G. P. E. da; REIS, F.; BORGES, A.
Autoria: RIBEIRO, T. S.; SCRAMIN, J. A.; RODRIGUES, J. A. S.; BERNARDES FILHO, R.; COLNAGO, L. A.; FORATO, L. A. Kafirins, water-insoluble proteins from Sweet Sorghum BR501 grains, have been an alternative to prepare edible coatings for food due to their hydrophobic character. In this work, the secondary structu... ... |
Autoria: LACERDA, F.; MIRANDA, I.; LIMA, T. T. S.; MAFRA, N. A.; LEÃO, F. M.; VALE, I. do; BISPO, C. J. C.; KATO, O. R.
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