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Autoria: MATTIONI, N. M.; MERTZ, L. M.; BARBIERI, A. P. P.; HAESBAERT, F. M.; GIORDANI, W.; LOPES, S. J. ABSTRACT: Soybean seed quality is affected by many factors, which may occur during the production, processing, and storage phases. To ensure the quality of seeds, the adoption of fast and efficient me... ... |
Autoria: ALMEIDA, T. T. de; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da; OLIVEIRA, J. A.; OLIVEIRA, A. dos S.; SILVA, A. A. da; PEREIRA, D. de S. The presence of phenolic substances in the seed coat may inhibit the germination of sorghum seeds, however, it is not known whether during the storage the reduction of these compounds occurs or if a b... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, A.; GONZÁLES, E. R.; AZEVEDO, J. L. de; ARAÚJO, W. L. de
Autoria: SILVA, M. W. da; BARBOSA, L. G.; SILVA, J. E. S. B. da; GUIRRA, K. S.; GAMA, D. R. da S.; OLIVEIRA, G. M. de; DANTAS, B. F. Zephyranthes sylvatica is a beautiful lily, endemic from the Brazilian Caatinga. Although it has a great ornamental potential, little is known about this species, especially regarding its seeds germin... ... |
Autoria: LAMEGO, F. P.; CARATTI, F. C.; ROMA-BURGOS, N.; SCHERNER, A.; ZABALA-PARDO, D.; AVILA, L. A.; BASTIANI, M. O. Abstract: Background: Eragrostis plana , introduced from South Africa, is the most important invasive perennial weed in the grasslands of Southern Brazil (“Pampa biome”), becoming a threat in neighbor... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, M. A. C. dos; QUEIROZ, M. A. de; BISPO, J. de S.; DANTAS, B. F. Brazilian guava (Psidium guineense Swartz.) is a plant species native from Brazil and present in all Brazilian biomes. This species occurs in the Caatinga biome as a wild fruit that has broad utility... ... |
Autoria: KRZYZANOWSKI, F. C.; DELOUCHE, J. C. The effect of constant temperature on the germination rate and percentage of two cotton seed lots was determined using a thermogradient plate. A gradient of 10 ºC to 40 ºC was established across the p... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, S. E. M.; GIMENES, M. A.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, J. O. L. de; COSTA, M. F.; GOMES, M. F. C.; VALENTE, S. E. S. Deterioration and loss of seed germination in the germplasm are related to the aging that occurs during the conservation process. The mechanisms related to the aging and death of seeds are not yet ful... ... |
Autoria: SILVEIRA, S. S.; DEGENHARDT-GOLDBACH, J.; QUOIRIN, M. Calophyllum brasiliense é uma espécie arbórea com sistema de propagação natural limitada. A germinação in vitro pode ser uma alternativa para obtenção de plântulas de qualidade. Sementes foram mantida... ... |
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