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Autoria: REICHEN, C.; MENEGUZZI, M.; COLDEBELLA, A.; HECK, A.; KICH, J. D. Brazil had regulamented in 2018 a self-control program with official verification of Salmonella sp. in pig carcasses for slaughterhouses submitted to Federal Inspection Service. This proposal was rece... ... |
Autoria: VIEIRA, A. S.; ROSINHA, G. M. S.; OLIVEIRA, C. E. de; VASCONCELLOS, S. A.; LIMA-BORGES, P. A.; TOMAS, W. M.; MOURAO, G. de M.; LACERDA, A. C. R; SOARES, C. O.; ARAUJO, F. R.; PIOVEZAN, U.; ZUCCO, C. A.; PELLEGRIN, A. O. This work reports a survey of Leptospira spp in pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in the Pantanal wetlands of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil by serology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)... ... |
Autoria: OSHIRO, L. M.; REIS, F. A.; ANDREOTTI, R. Abstract: Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum are protozoans that can cause reproductive problems in sheep. The aim of the present study was to determine the frequency of anti–N. caninum and anti-T... ... |
Serology studies of influenza a viruses antibody in Brazilian pig populations in the last six years. Autoria: ZANELLA, J. R. C.; SCHAEFER, R.; SILVEIRA, S.; SCHIOCHET, M. F.; CARON, L.; PIOVEZAN, U.; JULIANO, R. S.
Autoria: VIANA, C.; SERENO, M. J.; BERSOT, L. dos S; KICH, J. D.; NERO, L. A. Abstract: This study assessed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based assay to detect Salmonella in swine as a potential tool to predict the presence of Salmonella in swine carcasses. The f... ... |
Autoria: DORNELES, E. M. S.; PELLEGRIN, A. O.; PERES, I. A. H. F. S.; MATHIAS, L. A.; MOURAO, G. de M.; BIANCHI, R. de C.; OLIFIERS, N.; ROCHA, F. L.; LAGE, A, P. A serological survey in free-ranging crab-eating foxes (Canidae: Cerdocyon thous) and brown-nosed coatis (Procyonidae: Nasua nasua) was performed in the Nhecolândia sub-region of the Brazilian Pantana... ... |
Autoria: SUNIGA, P. A. P.; MANTOVANI, C.; SANTOS, M. G. dos; EGITO, A. A. do; VERBISCK, N. V.; SANTOS, L. R. dos; DÁVILA, A. M. R.; ZIMPEL, C. K.; ZERPA, M. C. S.; CHIEBAO, D. P.; GUIMARÃES, A. M. DE S.; NASSAR, A. F. DE C.; ARAUJO, F. R. ABSTRACT - This manuscript elucidates the occurrence of glanders in an asymptomatic mare from Brazil presenting positive Burkholderia mallei antibody titers. The diagnosis was established through a mu... ... |
Autoria: VIEIRA, A. S.; ROSINHA, G. M. S.; VASCONCELLOS, S. A.; MORAIS, Z. M. DE.; VIANA, R. C.; OLIVEIRA, C. E. DE.; SOARES, C. O.; ARAUJO, F. R.; MOURAO, G. de M.; BIANCHI, R. DE C.; OLIFIERS, N.; RADEMAKER, V.; ROCHA, F. L.; PELLEGRIN, A. O. Foi realizado um levantamento da infecção por Leptospira spp. em mamíferos silvestres do Pantanal sul-matogrossense com o emprego da reação de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) e da reação em cadeia... ... |
Autoria: HOFFMANN, L. V.; BRANQUINHO, A. A.; BARROSO, P. A. V.; VASLIN, M. F. S. The cotton blue disease, caused by the cotton leafroll dwarf virus (CLRDV), leads to dwarfism, leaf rolling, and production loss in susceptible cotton varieties. To develop an enzyme-linked immunosorb... ... |
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