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Autoria: LIMA, A. F.; RODRIGUES, A. P. O.; MACIEL, P. O.; PRYSTHON, A.; FLORES, R. M. V.; BEZERRA, T. A. This study was carried out with the objective to characterize the production of tambatinga (Colossoma macropomum x Piaractus brachypomus in water deficit conditions in Tocantins State, Brazil. |
Autoria: LIMA, A. F.; RODRIGUES, A. P. O.; MACIEL, P. O.; PRYSTHON, A.; FLORES, R. M. V.; BEZERRA, T. A. The inclusion of aquaculture in household agriculture has been related as an opportunity of product and income diversification as wells as to increase food security for farmers. Small-scale fish produ... ... |
Autoria: CARNEIRO JUNIOR, J. M.; CAVALCANTE, F. A.; CARVALHO, B. P.; PINHEIRO, A. K. O controle leiteiro é uma prática para aferição da produção de leite total de uma vaca na lactação. Apresenta importância no gerenciamento da propriedade leiteira familiar, fornecendo critérios técnic... ... |
Autoria: ALVARES, V. de S.; REIS, R. C.; SOUZA, J. M. L. de; LAMBERTUCCI, D. M.; SANTIAGO, A. C. C. In the artisanal manufacture of yellow cassava flour, in the North region of Brazil, it is common to add turmeric. However, there are no recommendations on this process considering the preference of c... ... |
Autoria: MATTAR, E. P. L.; OLIVEIRA, E. de; JESUS, J. C. da S. de; ARAÚJO, M. L. de; SIVIERO, A.; SANTOS JUNIOR, H. C. dos The Juruá valley mesoregion is recognized for its diversity of cultivars of common beans and cowpea and is an important center for on farm bean conservation in Brazil. However, there is little informa... ... |
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