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Autoria: MATTAR, M.; ALENCAR, M. M. de; CARDOSO, F. F.; FERRAUDO, A. S.; SILVA, L. O. C. da; ESPASADIN, A. C. Genotype-environment interaction (GEl) in beefcattle can be characterized by the change of the ser of genes which express a trair in function of the environment production. Genetic correlation between... ... |
Autoria: RONQUIM, C. C.; FIGUEIREDO, E. B. DE; FONSECA, M. F.; SOUZA, D. T. de; SILVA, G. A. V. F. DA Mapeou-se a mudança de uso e cobertura da terra impulsionada pela expansão da cana-de-açúcar em parte do estado de São Paulo, entre 1988 e 2016. O mapeamento foi feito de forma automática usando image... ... |
Autoria: VERÍSSIMO, C. J.; MEO, S. C.; OLIVEIRA, D. C.; CURCI, V. M.; UENO, T. H.; RODRIGUES, C. C.; COSTA, R. D.; PEREIRA, J. R.; MARGATHO, L. F.; CHIEBAO, D. P.; MOLENTO, M. B. The sheep and goat industry in the state of São Paulo (SP) is relatively new with animais, and their parasites, coming from many parts of Brazil without previous drug history. |
Autoria: MENIN, M.; SANTOS, R. S.; BORGES, R. E.; PIATTI, L. Anurans are predators of a great diversity of invertebrates, but studies on agroecosystems are very scarce. Herein we described the diet composition of seven species of terrestrial anurans captured in... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA FILHO, H. M. de; VINHOLIS, M. de M. B.; CARRER, M. J.; BERNARDO, R. The level of diffusion of integrated croplivestock systems (ICLS) and integrated livestockforestry systems (ILFS) among cattle farmers in Brazil is still low, despite the environmental and economic be... ... |
Autoria: CARRER, M. J.; SILVEIRA, R. L. F. da; VINHOLIS, M. de M. B.; SOUZA FILHO, H. M. de The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of agricultural insurance adoption by farmers of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Primary data from the 2015/2016 crop season was collected... ... |
Autoria: MARIN, F. R.; CARVALHO, G. L. de The objective of this work was to assess the spatial and temporal variability of sugarcane yield efficiency and yield gap in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, throughout 16 growing seasons, considering... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, R. T. de; CONCEIÇÃO, M. A. F.; NAVES, R. de L. ABSTRACT - The objective of this work was to determine and evaluate the performance of regression models, to estimate the ripening curves of 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grape for the winter harvest in the no... ... |
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