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Autoria: ALVARENGA NETO, R. C. D. de; VIEIRA, J. L. G. This paper investigates and analyses the process of building a knowledge management (KM) model at Brazil‟s Embrapa (The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation). Embrapa is a world class kno... ... |
Autoria: SILVEIRA, J. G. da; ASSAD, L. T.; OLIVEIRA NETO, S. N. de; BONET, M. S.; CANTO, A. C. B. do; CORDEIRO, F. R.; LEITE, F. F. G. D.; MUÑOZ, A. M.; SANTOS, R. R. dos; RODRIGUES, R. de A. R. The Amazon biome still suffers from deforestation and the implementation of sustainable agricultural systems is important for the biome preservation, through the effect of saving land. Public policies... ... |
Autoria: DINIZ, F. H.; SANTOS, A. C. C. dos; MELLO, L. M. R. de; HAMMES, V. S. Sustainable development is a global concern, resulting in a commitment among193 countries to achievethe 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their169targets, set out inthe2030Agenda. |
Autoria: HUNT, J. D.; POKHREL, Y.; CHAUDHARI, S.; MESQUITA, A. L. A.; NASCIMENTO, A.; LEAL FILHO, W.; BIATO, M. F.; SCHNEIDER, P. S.; LOPES, M. A. South America has been developed from its coast to its hinterlands since the beginning of its Western colonization. However, to this point, no significant effort has been made to integrate its interio... ... |
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