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Autoria: ZANELLA, J. R. C.; GAVA, D.; SCHAEFER, R.; KLEIN, C. S.; SILVA, V. S.; CARON, L. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a globally important pathogen of economic and veterinary concern. Recent studies estimate a cost of US$664m yearly to United States swine... ... |
Autoria: DIAS, N. L.; FONSECA JÚNIOR, A. A.; OLIVEIRA, A. M.; SALES, É. B.; ALVES, B. R. C.; DORELLA, F. A.; CAMARGOS, M. F. The viral disease classical swine fever (CSF), caused by a Pestivirus, is one of the major causes of economic losses for pig farming.The aim of this work was to validate a RT-qPCR using Taqman for det... ... |
Autoria: PRANDINI, J. M.; SILVA, M. L. B. da; MEZZARI, M. P.; MICHELON, W.; PIROLLI, M.; SOARES, H. M. The effects of swine wastewater-derived biogas on microalgae productivity were determined. Experiments were conducted in a closed photobioreactor containing digestate effluent as culturing media and b... ... |
Autoria: SARDÁ, L. G.; HIGARASHI, M. M.; NICOLOSO, R. da S.; FALKOSKI, C.; RIBEIRO, S. M. S.; SOARES, H. M. use of additives (Mg/P and nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide - DCD), on nitrous oxide emission during swine slurry composting. The experiment was run in duplicate; the gas was monitored for 30 day... ... |
Autoria: BERGIER, I.; BULLER, L. S.; RECH, R.; ULSENHEIMER, R.; MELO, T.; NOGUEIRA, S. We present C/N and nutrient soil data of 6 integrated swine-cattle farms in São Gabriel do Oeste that have been applying effluent to pasture over different time spans and variable effluent doses. The... ... |
Autoria: LAUX, A. R.; FEDDERN, V.; NICOLOSO, R. da S.; LIMA, G. J. M. M. de; DALLA COSTA, O. A.; GRESSLER, V.
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, P. A. V. de; ANGNES, G.; NICOLOSO, R. da S.; HIGARASHI, M. M. The treatment of swine manure through composting is seen as an alternative to minimize environmental impact and im prove nutrient recycling. However, the degradation of organic matter during the compo... ... |
Autoria: MEZZARI, M. P.; PRANDINI, J. M.; KICH, J. D.; SILVA, M. L. B. da Abstract: The effect of microalgae-based swine waste water treatment on the removal of antibiotic multi-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium was investigated. Photobioreactors (PBRs) cont... ... |
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