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Autoria: MAY, A.; COELHO, L. F.; SILVA, E. H. F. M. da; VIANA, R. da S.; VIEIRA JUNIOR, N. A.; FERREIRA, W. P. M. Abstract: This article presents a review on the use of graphene in various segments, elucidating that this product can be used in various industrial sectors. These include mainly agriculture (as in la... ... |
Autoria: MORGANTE, C. V.; ARRAES, F. B. M.; MOREIRA-PINTO, C. E; MELO, B. P.; SA, M. F. G. de This chapter discusses CRISPR technology using the dead Cas9 variant (CRISPR/ dCas9), emphasizing on its use for modulating gene expression in plants. The main strategies currently used are presented... ... |
Autoria: DRURY, B.; FERNANDES, R.; MOURA, M. F.; LOPES, A. de A. ABSTRACT. Semantic web technologies have become a popular technique to apply meaning to unstructured data. They have been infrequently applied to problems within the agricultural domain when compared... ... |
Autoria: TORREZAN, R.; ROCHA, J. E. D.; MENEZES, C. E. G.; ALBIERI, R. C.; SILVA, R. S. M. da Over the last few years several initiatives have been undertaken in Brazil and worldwide for the popularization of science, especially by research institutions and interactive museums that have sought... ... |
Autoria: TORREZAN, R.; ROCHA, J. E. D.; BARRETO, M. V. de S.; OLIVEIRA, J. A.; ALBIERI, R. C.; SILVA, F. T. The ignorance on concepts and practices in Food Science and Technology (FS&T) and the lack of specialized staff in agricultural educational institutions are factors that limit the interest of future t... ... |
Autoria: YANO, I. H.; CASTRO, A. de; GONZALES, L. E.; CANÇADO, G. M. de A.; SILVA, F. C. da ABSTRACT. Dextran is a polysaccharide produced by bacteria of the genus Leuconostoc spp, which causes loss of sucrose and raises sugar and alcohol manufacturing costs, as well as reducing its quality.... ... |
Autoria: REBELATTO JUNIOR, I. A.; FLORES, R. M. V.; LIMA, A. F.; SILVA, A. P.; ROSA, D. K.; PINHO, M. S.; SOARES, S. S. The research project named Aquapesquisa aimed to do a survey and a database of public and private organizations, suppliers and demanders of technologies and knowledge of the Brazilian national fishing... ... |
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