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Autoria: RODRIGUES, R.; SOARES, J.; GARCIA, H.; NASCIMENTO, C.; MEDEIROS, M.; BOMFIM, M. A. D.; MEDEIROS, M. C.; QUEIROGA, R. Abstract: Goat milk is source of different lipids, including conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA reduces body fat and protect against cardiovascular diseases. In the present study fat from goat milk n... ... |
Autoria: ALEXANDRE, P.; SANTANA, M. H. A.; GOMES, R. da C.; FERRAZ, J. B. S.; FUKUMASU, H. The constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) was initially characterized as a key regulator of xenobiotic metabolism. CAR has also been implicated in various physiological pathways such as energy metabo... ... |
Autoria: RIBEIRO, S. C.; CASTELO, A. S.; SILVA, B. M. P. da; CUNHA, A. da S.; PROIETTI JÚNIOR, A. A.; YOSHIOKA, E. T. O. In fish farmings, diseases can be reduced by using immunostimulants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immunostimulant potential of Mentha piperita in tambaqui fed with 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% of... ... |
Autoria: ROCHA, T. G.; BORTOLETTO, C.; SILVA, D. G.; SIMPLÍCIO, K. M. M. G.; ZAFALON, L. F.; FAGLIARI, J. J. In face of the few reports found in national literature analyzing the potential influence of parturition number in serum proteinogram and biochemical profile in the peripartum period of high yielding... ... |
Autoria: HOSHINO, M. D. F. G.; MARINHO, R. das G. B.; PEREIRA, D. F.; YOSHIOKA, E. T. O.; TAVARES-DIAS, M.; OZORIO, R. O. de A.; RODRIGUEZ, A. F. R.; RIBEIRO, R. A.; FARIA, F. S. E. D. V. de The hematological and biochemical responses of pirarucu fingerlings (Arapaima gigas) fed with diets containing different concentrations of a glucomannan product derived from yeast and algae were evalu... ... |
Autoria: MARIANO, W. S.; AZEVEDO, S. B.; GOMES, F. L.; LIMA. L. B. D.; MORON, S. E.; TAVARES-DIAS, M. This study investigated the physiological effects of a pesticide based on Bacillus thuringiensis (Dipel-WP®) added in the water and diet of Piaractus mesopotamicus during 24 and 48 h. It was added 0.1... ... |
Autoria: NUNES, A. A.; BUCCINI, D. F.; JAQUES, J. A. dos S.; PORTUGAL, L. C.; GUIMARÃES, R. C. A. da; FAVARO, S. P.; CALDAS, R. de A.; CARVALHO, C. M. E. This study evaluated the effects of dietaries formulated with kernel oil of Acrocomia aculeata (AKO), rich in medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), as partial substitute of carbohydrate calories upon blood... ... |
Autoria: SENA, I. S.; FERREIRA, A. M.; MARINHO, V. H.; HOLANDA, F. H. E.; BORGES, S. F.; SOUZA, A. A. de; KOGA, R. de C. R.; LIMA, A. L.; FLORENTINO, A. C.; FERREIRA, I. M. Lipases (EC are hydrolases that catalyze triglycerides hydrolysis in free fatty acids and glycerol. Among the microorganisms that produce lipolytic enzymes, the entophytic fungi stand out. We... ... |
Autoria: RODRIGUES, A. P. O.; FREITAS, L. E. L. de; MACIEL-HONDA, P. O.; LIMA, A. F.; LIMA, L. K. F. de Adequate feeding protocols are extremely important for the technical and economic feasibility of fish production systems. Two feeding rates, 3% and 4% body weight per day (3%BW and 4%BW), and two feed... ... |
Autoria: BRASILIENSE, A. R. P.; MENDONÇA, R. P.; ALMEIDA, P. E. M. de; DAMASCENO, L. F.; HOSHINO, M. D. F. G.; YOSHIOKA, E. T. O. This study evaluated the physiological responses of subadult yellow-spotted Amazon river turtle, Podocnemis unifilis, to incremental crude protein levels (29%, 32%, 35%, and 39% CP) as extruded commer... ... |
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