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Autoria: DE CONTI, L.; MELO, G. W. B. de; CERETTA, C. A.; TAROUCO, C. P.; MARQUES, A. C. R.; NICOLOSO, F. T.; TASSINARI, A.; TIECHER, T. L.; CESCO, S.; MIMMO, T.; BRUNETTO, G. High copper (Cu) contents in vineyard soils due to long-term foliage-defense program based on Cu-containing fungicides may cause physiological and nutritional disorders in young grapevines, limiting p... ... |
Intercropping of young grapevines with native grasses for phytoremediation of Cu-contaminated soils. Autoria: DE CONTI, L.; CERETTA, C. A.; MELO, G. W. B. de; TIECHER, T. L.; SILVA, L. O. S.; GARLET, L. P.; MIMMO, T.; CESCO, S.; BRUNETTO, G. Intercropping may be a strategy for phytoremediation of vineyard soils with high copper (Cu) content. The study aimed to evaluate the contribution of South American native grasses in limiting Cu avail... ... |
Autoria: TIECHER, T. L; SORIANI, H. H.; TIECHER, T.; CERETTA, C. A.; NICOLOSO, F. T.; TAROUCO, C. P.; CLASEN, B. E.; DE CONTI, L.; TASSINARI, A.; MELO, G. W. B. de; BRUNETTO, G. Old vineyards may present high copper (Cu) content in the soil due to the frequent application of Bordeaux fungicide to control leaf fungal diseases. Thus, many wine makers replace copper fungicides b... ... |
Autoria: BRUNETTO, G.; ROSA, D. B.; AMBROSINI, V. G.; HEINZEN, J.; FERREIRA, P. A. A.; CERETTA, C. A.; SOARES, C. R. F. S.; MELO, G. W. B. de; SORIANI, H. H.; NICOLOSO, F. T.; FARIAS, J. G.; DE CONTI, L.; SILVA, L. O. S.; SANTANA, N.; COUTO, R. R.; JACQUES, R. J. S.; TIECHER, T. L. Established vineyard soils may have high copper (Cu) contents due to the ongoing foliar applications of copper-based fungicides. In viticulture, the replacement of old vineyards with new vines is comm... ... |
Autoria: BRUNETTO, G.; CERETTA, C. A.; MELO, G. W. B. de; FELIPE, L.; PAULO, A. A. F.; COUTO, R. da R.; SILVA, L. O. S.; SOMAVILLA, L. M.; ADRIELE, T.; GARLET, L. P.; LESSANDRO, D. C.; COMIN, J. J.; LOVATO, P. E. Vineyard soils of the Campanha Gaúcha region of Rio Grande do Sul are sandy and have low to medium organic matter content, displaying low natural ability to supply nitrogen (N). Therefore, maintenance... ... |
Autoria: SANTAROSA, E.; SOUZA, P. V. D.; MARIATH, J. E. A.; ROSA, L. M. G.
Autoria: SILVA, M. L. P. da; BRITO, G. D. de; PERSEGUINI, A. C.; BERNDT, A.; TULLIO, R. R.; NASSU, R. T.; ALENCAR, M. M. de
Autoria: ORTIZ, J. A. R.; CARVALHO, C. W. P.; ASCHERI, J. L. R.; TAKEITI, C. Y.; MORO, T. de M. A.
Autoria: AGUSTINI, B. C.; CORREA, O. L. dos S.; SILVA, G. A.; CAVALCANTI, F. R. Downy mildew, the most important disease for viticulture in Brazil, is caused by the pseudofungus Plasmopara viticola. The greatest losses caused by this disease are related to total and partial damag... ... |
Autoria: COCCO, A.; SILVA, V. C. P. da; BENELLI, G.; BOTTON, M.; LUCCHI, A. The vine mealybug (VMB), Planococcus ficus, is a major grapevine pest worldwide, whose chemical control is often unsatisfactory due to its cryptic behavior, insecticide resistance and high fecundity r... ... |
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