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Autoria: FERHAN, M.; LEÃO, A. L.; MELO, I. S. de; YAN, N.; SAIN, M. ABSTRACT: The potential of ligninases as a green tool for effective valorization of lignin can be shown through enzymatic cocktails containing different lignin degrading enzymes. The present study dea... ... |
Autoria: CONCEIÇÃO, A. A.; MENDES, T. D.; MENDONCA, S.; QUIRINO, B. F.; ALMEIDA, E. G. de A.; SIQUEIRA, F. G. de There is an urgent need for improvements in animal production, particularly for ruminants, such that more sustainable and efficient processes are developed for obtaining more nutritious and efficient... ... |
Autoria: ALMEIDA, J. R. M. de; WIMAN, M.; HEER, D.; BRINK, D. P.; SAUER, U.; HAHN?HÄGERDAL, B.; LIDÉN, G.; GORWA?GRAUSLUND, M. F. Economically feasible bioethanol process from lignocellulose requires efficient fermentation by yeast of all sugars present in the hydrolysate. However, when exposed to lignocellulosic hydrolysate, Sa... ... |
Autoria: MASCARIN, G. M.; GOLO, P. S.; RIBEIRO-SILVA, C. de S.; MUNIZ, E. R.; FRANCO, A. de O.; KOBORI, N. N.; FERNANDES, É. K. K. Abstract: Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) can be defined as beneficial multifunctional eukaryotic microorganisms that display pivotal ecological services in pest management, with some species possessing... ... |
Autoria: PEDROSO, A. de F.; ESTEVES, S. N.; BARIONI JUNIOR, W.; SOUZA, G. B. de The aim of this study was the indication of an additive for the ensilage of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.). In a laboratory trial, nine treatments were applied (g of additive/kg of fresh forage... ... |
Autoria: TELES, A. S. C.; TERZI, S. da C.; SOUZA, E. F. de; GOTTSCHALK, L. M. F.; TONON, R. V. The grape pomace and wheat bran is rich in bioactive compounds that may be conjugated to the plant cell wall, making it difficult to recover. The objective of this study was to produce an enzymatic co... ... |
Autoria: MELO, F. S.; ALVES, I. D. C.; BARBOSA, T. C. V.; CABRAL, L. M. C.; SANTOS, T. C.
Autoria: ARAÚJO, J. S. de; ARAÚJO, C. de A.; MACEDO, A.; SILVA, C. de S.; NOVAES, J. J. da S.; LIMA, D. O.; BORGES, E. N.; GOIS, G. C.; ARAUJO, G. G. L. de; CAMPOS, F. S. Leucaena has been used to make mixed silages to obtain nutritional enrichment of the silages. Thus, the inclusion of Leucaena as an additive in mixed elephant grass silages can reduce fermentation los... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, R. dos S.; MURUCI, L. N. M.; SANTOS, L. O.; ANTONIASSI, R.; SILVA, J. P. L. da; DAMASO, M. C. T. Lipases are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of the ester linkage in a triacylglycerol oil-water interface, while in non-aqueous environments they catalyze reverse reactions (esterification, trans... ... |
Autoria: CANESIN, R. C.; BERCHIELLI, T. T.; MESSANA, J. D.; BALDI, F.; PIRES, A. V.; FRIGHETTO, R. T. S.; FIORENTINI, G.; REIS, R. A. Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of ruminal fermentation and enteric methane production in beef cattle subjected to different supplementation frequencies while... ... |
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