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The Manejo-Matte app is a tool for the diagnosis of planted yerba-mate groves. Its theoretical basis is the Erva 20 production system, which helps to increase the quality and productivity of comme


Product: Software     Launch year: 2019     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry

Innovative high-tech management process entailing a dense field yerba mate production system aimed at obtaining higher levels of productivity, which allows for year-round biomass harvest, followin


Agricultural System: Cultivation system     Launch year: 2023     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry

Application that calculates the recommended fertilizer dose for yerba mate. Ferti-Matte works from soil analysis data and crop information. After processing the data, the app issues a report, whic


Product: Software     Launch year: 2019     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry

*Content only available in Portuguese

Os sistemas produtivos integrados (SPIs) são cada vez mais reconhecidos como uma abordagem promissora e útil para a gestão de recursos naturais, combinando objetivos de produção agrícola e desenvo


Methodology: Methodology     Launch year: 2011     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry